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USANews版 - debate schedule
Huckabee will join Trump at veterans event为什么白男支持Trump
Debate commission: Trump had audio 'issues'开始舔了: She Wasn't Wrong About Trump's Supporters
Hillary won the final debate 52% to 39% (CNN / ORC poll)Trump也收到爆炸装置了
I think Bernie Sanders won the debateReality Trumps Theory
Trump Holds HUGE Rally in Davenport, IA (12-5-15)donald trump还挺牛的
The advantage of Trump is he does not really care about the position of the presidentOnline poll: who won the first republican debate '16?
Trump是要make美国白人的America great again!!和你们黄皮的没有关系!!!Trump 在辩论会上至少指出一个事实,在美国,行贿是合法的,请看这段
话题: nfl话题: trump话题: debates话题: debate话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10416
In a tweet on Friday night, Trump incorrectly said that Hillary Clinton and
the Democrats are "trying to rig the debates."
His primary complaint is that two of the debates are scheduled on the same
nights as NFL games.
That's true.
In an interview with ABC News, Trump said he's "fine" with the commission's
debates, but objected to the specific dates.
"I'll tell you what I don't like. It's against two NFL games," he said. "I
got a letter from the NFL saying, 'This is ridiculous.'"
An NFL spokesman said Saturday: "While we'd obviously wish the debate
commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Trump."
发帖数: 29853


【在 t*****9 的大作中提到】
: In a tweet on Friday night, Trump incorrectly said that Hillary Clinton and
: the Democrats are "trying to rig the debates."
: His primary complaint is that two of the debates are scheduled on the same
: nights as NFL games.
: That's true.
: In an interview with ABC News, Trump said he's "fine" with the commission's
: debates, but objected to the specific dates.
: "I'll tell you what I don't like. It's against two NFL games," he said. "I
: got a letter from the NFL saying, 'This is ridiculous.'"
: An NFL spokesman said Saturday: "While we'd obviously wish the debate

1 (共1页)
Trump 在辩论会上至少指出一个事实,在美国,行贿是合法的,请看这段I think Bernie Sanders won the debate
All online polls show Trump won the debateTrump Holds HUGE Rally in Davenport, IA (12-5-15)
CNN这次收视率创下新高:因为共和党候选人的辩论The advantage of Trump is he does not really care about the position of the president
GOP Debate -- Trump非常赞,展示大家风范Trump是要make美国白人的America great again!!和你们黄皮的没有关系!!!
Huckabee will join Trump at veterans event为什么白男支持Trump
Debate commission: Trump had audio 'issues'开始舔了: She Wasn't Wrong About Trump's Supporters
Hillary won the final debate 52% to 39% (CNN / ORC poll)Trump也收到爆炸装置了
话题: nfl话题: trump话题: debates话题: debate话题: said