i********1 发帖数: 704 | 1 GOP is about to lose HOUSE and Senate .
but unforunately , there is no way they can force him out, he did win the
nomination fair and sqaure.
GOP is being Hijacked , but they have no one to blame but themself . | H******C 发帖数: 700 | 2 各位看官, 这个 nstagram1 是老大爷几十上百个马甲之一。
mitbbs 著名狗屎老大爷,是 gay, 吸毒,亲口承认的。老大爷经常炸版,说色情话。
说他初中 gay 的细节。LDY 口头禅是大血逼。
上百马甲。每个都被封过好几遍。大家不要上这个臭狗屎当。不要回帖。 | f*********n 发帖数: 701 | 3 这么晚还出来站街卖淫?
【在 i********1 的大作中提到】 : GOP is about to lose HOUSE and Senate . : but unforunately , there is no way they can force him out, he did win the : nomination fair and sqaure. : GOP is being Hijacked , but they have no one to blame but themself .