H***u 发帖数: 1091 | 1 Law and Order? 川粉们来说说?这很尴尬啊,哈哈哈
Judge to Trump: No protection for speech inciting violence
Washington Post
April 1 at 8:04 PM
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A federal judge has rejected President Donald Trump&
free speech defense against a lawsuit accusing him of inciting violence
against protesters at a campaign rally.
Trump’s lawyers sought to dismiss the lawsuit by three protesters who
they were roughed up by his supporters at a March 1, 2016 rally in
Louisville, Kentucky. They argued that Trump didn’t intend for his
supporters to use force.
Two women and a man say they were shoved and punched by audience members at
Trump’s command. Much of it was captured on video and widely broadcast
during the campaign, showing Trump pointing at the protesters and repeating
“get them out.”
Judge David J. Hale in Louisville ruled Friday that the suit against Trump,
his campaign and three of his supporters can proceed. Hale found ample facts
supporting allegations that the protesters’ injuries were a “
direct and
proximate result” of Trump’s actions, and noted that the Supreme
Court has
ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence.
[Donald Trump: I may pay legal fees for man who punched protester –
Another article;
"There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. So if you see
somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would
you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell— I promise you, I will pay
for the legal fees. I promise, I promise. It won’t be so much ’
cause the courts agree with us too." |
B*******t 发帖数: 1623 | 2 What about Lynch, Obama and Clinton? |
H***u 发帖数: 1091 | 3 都抓了好了,请顺便把Donnie也抓了,嘿嘿
: What about Lynch, Obama and Clinton?
【在 B*******t 的大作中提到】 : What about Lynch, Obama and Clinton?
a**e 发帖数: 8800 | 4 这有什么奇怪的。法律已经被作弊搞烂了
【在 H***u 的大作中提到】 : Law and Order? 川粉们来说说?这很尴尬啊,哈哈哈 : Judge to Trump: No protection for speech inciting violence : Washington Post : April 1 at 8:04 PM : LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A federal judge has rejected President Donald Trump& : rsquo;s : free speech defense against a lawsuit accusing him of inciting violence : against protesters at a campaign rally. : Trump’s lawyers sought to dismiss the lawsuit by three protesters who : say
B*******t 发帖数: 1623 | 5 那你叫它们投案自首吧~
【在 H***u 的大作中提到】 : 都抓了好了,请顺便把Donnie也抓了,嘿嘿 : 其实要是能把Donnie抓了,你们爱抓谁抓谁,这个是不是一个好deal? : : : What about Lynch, Obama and Clinton? :
H***u 发帖数: 1091 | 6 Law and Order看来川粉的理解不一样啊,这很尴尬啊
: 那你叫它们投案自首吧~
【在 B*******t 的大作中提到】 : 那你叫它们投案自首吧~
B*******t 发帖数: 1623 | 7 你刚刚不是说巴马lynch之类的该抓吗?这不是你和你自己推崇的法官的观点吗?那它
【在 H***u 的大作中提到】 : Law and Order看来川粉的理解不一样啊,这很尴尬啊 : 听judge的还是听我的?哈哈哈 : : : 那你叫它们投案自首吧~ :
H***u 发帖数: 1091 | 8 说得很好,谢顶,这样大家就可以看到新闻了,嘿嘿
: 你刚刚不是说巴马lynch之类的该抓吗?这不是你和你自己推崇的法官的观点吗
: 们投案自首啊,还可省点钱多发点粮票。
【在 B*******t 的大作中提到】 : 你刚刚不是说巴马lynch之类的该抓吗?这不是你和你自己推崇的法官的观点吗?那它 : 们投案自首啊,还可省点钱多发点粮票。
G*******h 发帖数: 4091 | 9 傻逼楼主,法官说抓了吗?轮得到你来咋乎?你让法官下个逮捕令试试?
中期必见分晓。-- |
u**r 发帖数: 810 | 10 川普按谋私利教义行事法官就屁也不敢放了
【在 H***u 的大作中提到】 : Law and Order看来川粉的理解不一样啊,这很尴尬啊 : 听judge的还是听我的?哈哈哈 : : : 那你叫它们投案自首吧~ :
e*****e 发帖数: 2791 | 11 What about them ? 他们也有煽动暴力言论?有没有人告?告了结果如何?
【在 B*******t 的大作中提到】 : What about Lynch, Obama and Clinton?
H***u 发帖数: 1091 | 12 川粉的逻辑:希拉里吃了屎,所以Donnie也吃屎,并且还显示了自信心;希拉里私通了
我这样理解不知道对不对?川粉来说说? |
r******n 发帖数: 1058 | 13 身为总统居然有煽动暴力的言论? 这不弹劾, 你们左都是吃X的吗? |
B*******t 发帖数: 1623 | 14 Well, you are definitely blind then.
【在 e*****e 的大作中提到】 : What about them ? 他们也有煽动暴力言论?有没有人告?告了结果如何?