T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 1 巴马上学走过的路。
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — State lawmakers in California have approved a plan to
name a stretch of freeway in the Los Angeles area for former President
Barack Obama.
A stretch of the 134 Freeway passing through the Eagle Rock section of Los
Angeles and the cities of Glendale and Pasadena will be known as the
President Barack H. Obama Highway after the Legislature signed off on a
resolution Tuesday. The measure doesn’t require the governor’s signature.
Democratic state Senator Anthony Portantino, who authored the resolution,
says Obama used that part of the freeway to travel to his classes at
Occidental College in L.A. Obama attended Occidental for two years before
transferring to Columbia University in New York.
The approval came on the same day President Donald Trump announced a phase-
out of one of Obama’s key immigration programs. | r*********t 发帖数: 4911 | 2 芝加哥立碑,洛杉矶冠名。版左成天说川粉搞个人崇拜,然而川粉连个雕像都立不起来
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