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USTC版 - USTCAF under $20K away from $700K
USTCAF Credit Card Donation RestoredList of company matching donation to USTCAF
Donation to USTC boardDonation to USTC Alumni Foundation
USTCAF News Release: Million Dollar Milestone Crossed科大校友基金会(USTCAF)2013年五月简报
USTCAF total donation surpassed $900KUSTCAF just $7651 away from HALF MILLION
Top 20 AF donors (up to Jan 2007)FYI: USTCAF less than $2K away from $600K
Classes donated $5K plus (up to Jan 2007)USTCAF Approaching RMB 5 Million Yuan
Post-1990 classes with 10 plus donors (up to Feb 2007)USTCAF partnership with ExtraRebates.com
Large donation from ShenzhenUSTCAF official donation $427 away from $900K
话题: 700k话题: ustcaf话题: 20k话题: away话题: just
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 626
Up to today(10/21/2006), the total donation USTCAF received
has reached $680,300 -- just $19,700 away from another
significant milestone $700K. (One year ago, we were about
$20K away from $500K; Two months ago, we just crossed the
$600K threshold :)
If you have never made a donation or you have not donated
for a while, it is time for you to make a difference. To
make a TAX-deductible donation, just go to
Your contribution will --
* Help USTC recruit the most promising
发帖数: 626
Just FYI, up to 11/8/2006, the total donation USTCAF received
has reached $685,151 -- just $14,849 away from $700K.

【在 n*****g 的大作中提到】
: Up to today(10/21/2006), the total donation USTCAF received
: has reached $680,300 -- just $19,700 away from another
: significant milestone $700K. (One year ago, we were about
: $20K away from $500K; Two months ago, we just crossed the
: $600K threshold :)
: If you have never made a donation or you have not donated
: for a while, it is time for you to make a difference. To
: make a TAX-deductible donation, just go to
: http://ustcaf.org/donation
: Your contribution will --

发帖数: 626
Just FYI, up to 11/15/2006, the total donation USTCAF received
has reached $690,517 -- just $9483 away from $700K.

【在 n*****g 的大作中提到】
: Just FYI, up to 11/8/2006, the total donation USTCAF received
: has reached $685,151 -- just $14,849 away from $700K.

1 (共1页)
USTCAF official donation $427 away from $900KTop 20 AF donors (up to Jan 2007)
2006 USTCAF Financial Report ReadyClasses donated $5K plus (up to Jan 2007)
Answer: 为啥校友没有愿意大额捐款的呢?Post-1990 classes with 10 plus donors (up to Feb 2007)
USTCAF 2007 financial reportLarge donation from Shenzhen
USTCAF Credit Card Donation RestoredList of company matching donation to USTCAF
Donation to USTC boardDonation to USTC Alumni Foundation
USTCAF News Release: Million Dollar Milestone Crossed科大校友基金会(USTCAF)2013年五月简报
USTCAF total donation surpassed $900KUSTCAF just $7651 away from HALF MILLION
话题: 700k话题: ustcaf话题: 20k话题: away话题: just