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Unix版 - C++ Help under UNIX
How to use Chinese under Unix ?[转载] Re: 请问unix下如何编写图形界面
How to change resolution under UNIX?How to send email in C program.
is that .bin format under unix?How to debug C program in Unix
how to view pdf files under unix?What's C++ compliler on Tru64 Unix?
about PS file generated under windows.关于CPU时间急问!
请问在UNIX系统如何后台运行MATLAB 程序??Unix上C++函数求救
[转载] C 程序计算结果 在 Unix / Linux 下不同请问哪能找到关于UNIX下C++编写GUI的资料或源代码
coconut 申请 unix BZ请问在Unix下面的C++程序Bus Error是什么错?
话题: c++话题: unix话题: under话题: pages话题: man
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
How to check C++ help under UNIX?
Are there any man pages for C++ programmers?
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 219
Unfortunatly there isn't. The only help you
can find in man pages are system calls, which
are written in C. (of course you can include
them in your C++ code)
I use Web to check functions, by searching
keywords "C++ reference". You may need
a C++ reference book (not a text book,
just a function collection), if you work on
C++ everyday.

【在 S****y 的大作中提到】
: How to check C++ help under UNIX?
: Are there any man pages for C++ programmers?
: Thanks a lot!

1 (共1页)
请问在Unix下面的C++程序Bus Error是什么错?about PS file generated under windows.
help!how to program C and C++(mixed)请问在UNIX系统如何后台运行MATLAB 程序??
any popular C++ socket library?[转载] C 程序计算结果 在 Unix / Linux 下不同
[转载] 谁知道怪异的mbuf.h的问题?coconut 申请 unix BZ
How to use Chinese under Unix ?[转载] Re: 请问unix下如何编写图形界面
How to change resolution under UNIX?How to send email in C program.
is that .bin format under unix?How to debug C program in Unix
how to view pdf files under unix?What's C++ compliler on Tru64 Unix?
话题: c++话题: unix话题: under话题: pages话题: man