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Unix版 - How to recover RPC password (NIS)?
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Why I can not change my password?HELP, a question about the library path,
happy new year, one security related question (UNIX)how to config my networks.
help me!不好意思,问个问题
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Mounting NFS filesystems -- ERROR 请教大侠Cannot change password
话题: nis话题: password话题: rpc话题: recover话题: forgot
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 42
Hi, we have several Unix workstation with NIS. A student forgot
his password, so I granted him a new one.
But he forgot his RPC password too, he can not change password himself
I don't know how to reset RPC password in NIS for user.
Can anyone help?
发帖数: 4193
What is RPC password?
To change NIS password, you have to run yppasswdd on your NIS master, and
use yppasswd to change it.

【在 L***e 的大作中提到】
: Hi, we have several Unix workstation with NIS. A student forgot
: his password, so I granted him a new one.
: But he forgot his RPC password too, he can not change password himself
: I don't know how to reset RPC password in NIS for user.
: Can anyone help?
: Thanks.
: Layne

发帖数: 217
If you are a root user, you can do it for him in your master
NIS server.

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: What is RPC password?
: To change NIS password, you have to run yppasswdd on your NIS master, and
: use yppasswd to change it.

1 (共1页)
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RPC problem?mount question?
Why I can not change my password?HELP, a question about the library path,
happy new year, one security related question (UNIX)how to config my networks.
help me!不好意思,问个问题
话题: nis话题: password话题: rpc话题: recover话题: forgot