

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - How to reunite the files?
UNIX下如何把一个大文件压缩成好几个小文件?question about CVS
how to contral tar-ed file size?如何在perl中运行c-shell file?
How to use files with names like "-123.txt"?how to recover deleted files
what is the command to gunzip/tar a .tar.gz file再次急问: *.tgz 文件怎么解?
how to get rid of the ^M in files?双面打印
Is there any command which can mv multiple fileshelp on job control commands
HELP: How to get rid of unwanted characters in file namewait on line: simple question
A question about command timeHow to use the command history in SUN?
话题: reunite话题: files话题: small话题: file话题: split
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 26
I use command "split" to split a large data file into a series of small
files, then make some changes to one small file. The question is, how can
I reunite these small files back to a large file? Thanks for help.
1 (共1页)
How to use the command history in SUN?how to get rid of the ^M in files?
how to run background process after logoutIs there any command which can mv multiple files
Re: 怎么在UNIX下面放CD?HELP: How to get rid of unwanted characters in file name
what's the use of "ta"A question about command time
UNIX下如何把一个大文件压缩成好几个小文件?question about CVS
how to contral tar-ed file size?如何在perl中运行c-shell file?
How to use files with names like "-123.txt"?how to recover deleted files
what is the command to gunzip/tar a .tar.gz file再次急问: *.tgz 文件怎么解?
话题: reunite话题: files话题: small话题: file话题: split