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Unix版 - How to capture all keystrokes in linux?
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话题: keystrokes话题: linux话题: capture话题: under话题: stdin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 120
I am working on a system recoverey tool that needs
to capture all keystrokes of the machine, are there
anyway to do this under linux? I know there are some
commercial tools for Windows. But is there anyway to
do this under linux?
I can have access to root and everything. Is it possible
to pipe stdin to some places and record it before feed
back to (a faked) stdin? This needs to work under X also.
Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 162

I would suggest insert some code to the keyboard device driver, or nearby.

【在 p**k 的大作中提到】
: I am working on a system recoverey tool that needs
: to capture all keystrokes of the machine, are there
: anyway to do this under linux? I know there are some
: commercial tools for Windows. But is there anyway to
: do this under linux?
: I can have access to root and everything. Is it possible
: to pipe stdin to some places and record it before feed
: back to (a faked) stdin? This needs to work under X also.
: Thanks a lot.

发帖数: 10
search keylogger in gogle

do this under linux? I know there are some

【在 p**k 的大作中提到】
: I am working on a system recoverey tool that needs
: to capture all keystrokes of the machine, are there
: anyway to do this under linux? I know there are some
: commercial tools for Windows. But is there anyway to
: do this under linux?
: I can have access to root and everything. Is it possible
: to pipe stdin to some places and record it before feed
: back to (a faked) stdin? This needs to work under X also.
: Thanks a lot.

1 (共1页)
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[转载] 请教Bash里面 <<< 是什么意思
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话题: keystrokes话题: linux话题: capture话题: under话题: stdin