m**********3 发帖数: 706 | 1 父母去年在美申请延期,等待了5个月后收到据信,最后按据信上的DEADLINE提前几天
请问这种情况今年能通过中信代签吗? | i*n 发帖数: 9793 | 2 他们不是合法居留,那个期限是启动驱逐程序的期限,不是合法停留的期限,合法的期
【在 m**********3 的大作中提到】 : 父母去年在美申请延期,等待了5个月后收到据信,最后按据信上的DEADLINE提前几天 : (12月中旬)回中国。虽然过了I94上的DEADLINE(7月中旬),但是仍然是合法居留。 : 请问这种情况今年能通过中信代签吗?
| m**********3 发帖数: 706 | 3 The below information at the web site of US Department of State addresses
this issue.
Will Port of Entry officer agree with it, or not? Is there any need to
contact with the Port of Entry for my parents' case?
There are circumstances which can serve to void or cancel the period of time
your visa is valid. If you overstay the end date of your authorized stay,
as provided by the Department of Homeland Security''s U.S. immigration
officer at port of entry, or United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS), then this action on your part generally will automatically
void or cancel your visa. However, if you have filed an application in a
timely manner for extension of stay or a change of status, and that
application is pending and not frivolous, and if you did not engage in
unauthorized employment, then this normally does not automatically cancel
your visa. | i*n 发帖数: 9793 | 4 and that application is pending
【在 m**********3 的大作中提到】 : The below information at the web site of US Department of State addresses : this issue. : Will Port of Entry officer agree with it, or not? Is there any need to : contact with the Port of Entry for my parents' case? : http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/info/info_1298.html : There are circumstances which can serve to void or cancel the period of time : your visa is valid. If you overstay the end date of your authorized stay, : as provided by the Department of Homeland Security''s U.S. immigration : officer at port of entry, or United States Citizenship and Immigration : Services (USCIS), then this action on your part generally will automatically