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WashingtonDC版 - Trayvon Martin: Protesters Number 10,000 In NYC
USA Science & Engineering Festival on April 26-27, 2014 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Cente反藏独制胜策(1): 师出有名, 抗议暴力 - 恳请置顶
有没有人知道从DC Downtown去纽约的最早华人大吧车是什么时候开反藏独西文好文,可打印散发。
请推荐个k歌的地方Can we distribute our own flyers and material on the 4/19 protest?
Everybody Wants To Rule The World论持久战
pons and cons找人给我换汽车电池
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Re: 以一个NGO工作者的身份给SF的同胞们提供点儿斗争经验有在Lockheed Martin工作的吗?
马里兰校报侮辱性图的linkwhat can we do to protest this kind of violence
话题: trayvon话题: martin话题: nyc话题: new话题: york
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1087
Despite talk of Trayvon Martin riots ratched up in the media before George
Zimmerman was found to be not guilty by a Florida jury last night, widescale
rallies held in major US cities have remained largely peaceful — despite a
large demonstration in New York drawing an estimated 10,000 people.
As midnight nears, the number of people taking to the streets in Trayvon
Martin’s name (but not rioting) does not seem to be decreasing, and several
livestreams have popped up — with no evidence of any untoward behavior.
The New York Trayvon Martin rally appeared to be heating up a few moments
ago, with audible shouts of “film the police!” and “take out your phones!”
But as the crowd marches up to Harlem from Times Square, chants of “no
justice, no peace” and “the system is rotten, it killed Trayvon Martin”
can be heard among the peaceful demonstrators gathered late into the hot
night in NYC.
Over on Twitter, the Trayvon rallies are being widely covered on the ground
by attendees and distributed by signal boosters, and in L.A. and NYC, some
reports of police and demonstrator tension have been sighted.
The NYC livestream indicates that at least three have been arrested during
the protests, and a device called an LRAD is said to have been spotted with
NYPD on scene:
1 (共1页)
what can we do to protest this kind of violencepons and cons
Job opportunity: APPLICATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTRe: 以一个NGO工作者的身份给SF的同胞们提供点儿斗争经验
USA Science & Engineering Festival on April 26-27, 2014 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Cente反藏独制胜策(1): 师出有名, 抗议暴力 - 恳请置顶
有没有人知道从DC Downtown去纽约的最早华人大吧车是什么时候开反藏独西文好文,可打印散发。
请推荐个k歌的地方Can we distribute our own flyers and material on the 4/19 protest?
Everybody Wants To Rule The World论持久战
话题: trayvon话题: martin话题: nyc话题: new话题: york