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Windows版 - test C# lib with developed by others in visual studio 2013
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话题: lib话题: c#话题: test话题: dll话题: visual
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 579
I would like to test a C# dll lib developed by others in visual studio 2013
on win 7.
The lib has 15 C# files that have many (30+) definitions of C# class and
In the main() of my test project, I do not know what classes that need to be
implemented ? And what functions should be called to test the dll lib ?
using the_lib_needed_to_be_tested;
namespace test_pos
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// what classes that need to be implemented ?
// what functions should be called to test the dll lib ?
Thanks !
1 (共1页)
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visual PC 2007 不支持Vista Home版本?Re: [转载] Windows XP下安装MS Visual .NET时遇到Buffer overrun问题。。
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话题: lib话题: c#话题: test话题: dll话题: visual