

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Working版 - mistake and nervous me
工作犯了大错怎么办?请教h1b被lay off, 再回原公司的问题
Hiring manager asking for client list for reference check. Shall I provide?刚接到电话,说安排电话面试,可我没弄清是哪家公司
communicating with boss / indirect bosspersonality issue
10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear签了的offer可以反悔吗? (转载)
Re: Too nervouse in the court! Need your help at oncePaid internship without SSN
H-1B approved from California!大家换作是我,还会坚持做下去吗? (转载)
跟领导一块出差应该说些什么NYC senior accountant opening
话题: mistake话题: nervous话题: when话题: my话题: client
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
I work as an accountant and prepare for tax return now. Yesterday, my bosses
and I found we made a serious mistake. It is one of our big clients. There is
an item I never see before and I thought that is just some kind of income.
Since the client didn’t provide information about that, I didn’t put the
number in his 1040. But, today, when I try to look for the related information
for his brother, who is also our client, my boss found that. When he reviewed
my work, he marked as “ if there is no s
1 (共1页)
NYC senior accountant opening如何提出辞职?
H1-B extension USCIS mistakeRe: Too nervouse in the court! Need your help at once
公司在我的上个PAY period少PAY了10个小时, 我要说吗?H-1B approved from California!
如何给刺头手下找training need/resource ?跟领导一块出差应该说些什么
工作犯了大错怎么办?请教h1b被lay off, 再回原公司的问题
Hiring manager asking for client list for reference check. Shall I provide?刚接到电话,说安排电话面试,可我没弄清是哪家公司
communicating with boss / indirect bosspersonality issue
10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear签了的offer可以反悔吗? (转载)
话题: mistake话题: nervous话题: when话题: my话题: client