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ZJU版 - Re: 原来我一无所有
无题(一)包子答谢:Wash Sale 报税问题?
我觉得一无所有最好了F1炒股了如何看gain/lose? (转载)
I have nothing to lose (转载)恐慌是最好的朋友
DOW loses 700 points in 15 minutesWall Street loses gains after Germany bomb report
I have nothing to losewhere is the top gain and lose
lose all my gain in cstock loss claim的问题
Midterm elections and stock marketF1炒股了如何看gain/lose?
话题: really话题: think话题: what话题: ever话题: things
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1345
yep, i did not get the "point" in that post,
but here in this post, guess what you mean.
what do you think you ever had?
ppl always think about the things they lost,
not the things they gained by the price of losing sth.
i bet you have more than you ever had, whatever experience you underwent.
what if time really went back, and those in your mind really came back to you?
i dont think you could make a better life than you have already done.
time is really passing by, it's just normal as you have
1 (共1页)
请教几个健身的问题I have nothing to lose
my lose is your gain!!!!!!lose all my gain in c
Drawback of holidaysMidterm elections and stock market
请建议: Nikon 35mm f1.8G or 50mm f1.4D我说一个稳赚的trade
无题(一)包子答谢:Wash Sale 报税问题?
我觉得一无所有最好了F1炒股了如何看gain/lose? (转载)
I have nothing to lose (转载)恐慌是最好的朋友
DOW loses 700 points in 15 minutesWall Street loses gains after Germany bomb report
话题: really话题: think话题: what话题: ever话题: things