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Anyone use ECU booster chips like this before?car boost算carry on吗?
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Feeling sluggish? A few simple tricks can help you feel more awake.
1. Get an Energy Boost From Trying Something New
Recent research confirms what world travelers and adult-education addicts
already know: New experiences give you a rush. “We’ve known that when
people do something novel, the brain’s reward chemical, dopamine, is
released,” says Gregory Berns, M.D., a neuroscientist at Emory University,
in Atlanta, and the author of Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True
Fulfillment . But novelty has an added benefit. “What we’ve discovered in
the last five years,” Berns says, “is that dopamine is also a motivating
chemical that gears us up to do more.” In other words, take a trip or learn
Spanish and you may also feel inspired to start a new project at home or
2. Get an Energy Boost From Moving Around
The more active you are, the better your circulation will be. And good
circulation is “essential for energy because blood transports oxygen and
nutrients―fuel for the cells―to the muscles, brain, etc.,” says internist
Jacob Teitelbaum.
If you have a desk job, get up throughout the day―once an hour is ideal―to
give your body breaks from activities such as typing and staring at the
computer. Also, stand up when you’re on the phone or pace around the office
. When you’re stuck seated, like on a long car ride, do neck rolls and
shoulder shrugs and circle your feet to keep blood circulating.
And sit up straight. Good posture opens the chest cavity and increases
oxygen intake by as much as 30 percent, making more energy available to your
mind and muscles, says Teitelbaum. If you’re a sloucher, trade in your
chair for an exercise ball, which forces you to sit taller, says Andrew Weil
, M.D., author of Healthy Aging ($28, amazon.com).
3. Get an Energy Boost From Deep Breathing
Shallow breathing prevents the body from getting enough oxygen. Many people
fail to breathe deeply when they feel tense, which is one reason they may
feel zapped at the end of a stress-filled day. “The general principles of
correct breathing are to make it deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular,
” says Weil. Doing so helps you force more oxygen into your cells, which
slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation,
ultimately providing more energy.
Weil suggests you do a simple breathing exercise twice a day or whenever you
feel yourself losing steam: Put the tip of your tongue against the ridge
behind your upper teeth. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a
whoosh sound. Then inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold
your breath for a count of seven, and exhale through your mouth for a count
of eight. Repeat for a total of four breaths.
4. Get an Energy Boost From Exercise
Regular workouts boost energy stores by conditioning the body to make
optimal use of oxygen and glucose, its two primary fuel sources. You need
only 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, to get the cardiovascular
benefits that lead to increased vitality,” says Woodson Merrell, M.D.,
director of integrative medicine at the Continuum Center for Health and
Healing, at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
There’s good evidence that simply walking regularly can boost energy.
Ongoing research on the relationship between mood and activity by Robert E.
Thayer, a professor of psychology at California State University in Long
Beach, has found that the more steps his research subjects take, the more
energetic they report feeling.
5. Get an Energy Boost From Grazing
"Eating consistently―three small meals with snacks in between―keeps your
blood-sugar level even, so you don’t experience the highs and lows that
occur when you go too long without food," says Molly Kimball, a registered
dietitian at the Ochsner Clinic’s Elmwood Fitness Center, in New Orleans.
Ideally, all your meals and snacks should contain complex carbohydrates (
produce, whole grains) to provide fuel, and protein (nuts, cheese) to give
you endurance. Try an apple and a piece of cheese or carrot sticks and
Snacks of refined carbs, like cookies and pretzels, provide an initial rush,
but the body burns them quickly and your energy soon flags. To satiate a
sweet tooth, try dark chocolate. It contains the chemical phenylethylamine,
which increases energy by improving mood and attention span. According to
Teitelbaum, dark chocolate also contains theobromine, a mild stimulant.
6. Get an Energy Boost From Doing Things That Lift Your Spirits
Fun people, rhythmic music, and funny movies can boost your energy level,
researchers have found. "In fact,anything that makes you feel good may raise
your level of endorphins―the same chemicals that are released when you
exercise," says Weil. Listening to music invigorates the body by activating
several areas of the brain at once, building new nerve connections. "It also
increases oxygen flow to the heart, which perks you up as well," adds Weil.
While you’re infusing your life with energizing experiences, try to cut out
people and activities that drag you down and deplete your energy―the
whiners, the naysayers…that deadly planning committee.
7.Get an Energy Boost From Drinking Fluids
Your body needs water to transport oxygen to your cells. Deprive yourself of
sufficient liquids and you may feel tired or get headaches. While there’s
no magic number for the amount of liquid to consume in a day, experts say
you should try to drink at least four tall glasses of water or low-calorie
beverages, such as Propel or Crystal Light.
Caffeine gets a bad rap, but used judiciously, it can give you a lift. The
trouble is “many people drink too much in the morning, so their energy is
bunched up early in the day, and they need more later to keep going,” says
Weil. Try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee in the morning and, if you
must and it doesn’t interfere with falling asleep at night, a half cup
after lunch. Consider switching to green tea, which contains caffeine but
also theanine, a calming substance that counteracts the jitters from
8Get an Energy Boost From Obsessing Less
When your mind is in overdrive, your body secretes stress hormones, such as
cortisol, which over time can wreak havoc on the body. It can also make
falling asleep difficult by suppressing the hypothalamus, the part of the
brain responsible for lowering body temperature so that you can shift into
sleep mode. “Worrying is like putting a hole in your gas tank,” says
Teitelbaum. “Unless you do something to stop it, you’re draining energy
To rewire an overwrought mind, Merrell suggests doing some form of mind-body
exercise, like meditation, practicing yoga, or engaging in regular prayer.
For a quick fix, Teitelbaum suggests this trick: “Ask yourself, ‘Am I in
imminent danger?’ It may sound irrational or melodramatic, but that’s the
point. You bring yourself down to earth by reminding yourself that your
worries aren’t crises. This will relax your body’s adrenal ‘fight or
flight’ system and help you feel in control.”
9. Get an Energy Boost From Going Outside
At least once during the workday, get out of the office. Studies show that
spending time outdoors provides a boost by reducing stress hormones and
lowering blood pressure. "Sunlight can also increase the body’s production
of serotonin, which lifts mood and increases energy," says Teitelbaum.
In addition, "air that contains a high balance of negative ions (molecules
with a negative electrical charge) may increase the body’s oxygen intake
and serotonin levels," says Michael Terman, Ph.D., director of the Center
for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms at New York–Presbyterian
Hospital. Negative ions are produced when there’s a lot of air and water
movement in the atmosphere, like during a thunderstorm. Terman has found
that when people with seasonal affective disorder (a mood disorder
associated with seasonal variations of light) and depression use specialized
negative-ion generators, their symptoms improve.
1 (共1页)
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曾有人说我对bf/lg像对儿子一样,这个能破么?car seat boost (转载)
话题: energy话题: your话题: boost话题: says话题: body