m**********s 发帖数: 754 | 1 都知道吧?
好像2000年5月前的和之后的还不一样? |
m**********s 发帖数: 754 | 2 搞定,记在这里以备DIY同修参考。
2、将钥匙转到第一档 (点火前共有两档),左键按住不放;
老宝马的要复杂一点,反正大家都升级到E90了,我就不罗嗦了。 |
m**********s 发帖数: 754 | 3 另,E46换一次油加7gallon
我用的Mobile One Full Synthetic,Walmart 19.94/5 gal
。 |
e*****n 发帖数: 124 | 4 我们这儿的walmart没有0w40的mobile 1
【在 m**********s 的大作中提到】 : 另,E46换一次油加7gallon : 我用的Mobile One Full Synthetic,Walmart 19.94/5 gal : 滤器直接从dealer买的,9.8一个,如果在ebay上买批发OEM的,可以降到约~$8/个,不 : 过太麻烦了就没搞。 : 去年底过了保修,现在只能自己换了。自己成本~45刀+30分钟,找dealer换要150刀/次 : 。
m**********s 发帖数: 754 | 5 你们那里冬天很冷么?用用5W的试一试?
发信人: ericyan (格格巫), 信区: Bimmer
标 题: Re: E46 换油里程清零
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 26 23:49:57 2007), 转信
我们这儿的walmart没有0w40的mobile 1
autozone偶尔有货。。。 |
e*****n 发帖数: 124 | 6 bimmer需要A3 specification
mobile的full synthetic只有0w40是符合这个标准的
【在 m**********s 的大作中提到】 : 你们那里冬天很冷么?用用5W的试一试? : 发信人: ericyan (格格巫), 信区: Bimmer : 标 题: Re: E46 换油里程清零 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 26 23:49:57 2007), 转信 : 我们这儿的walmart没有0w40的mobile 1 : 只有pepboys有 : autozone偶尔有货。。。
m**********s 发帖数: 754 | 7 thanks for the reminder.
I found that actually Mobil_1 0w-30,which I bought, 5w-30, and 10w-30 are
NOT ACEA A3 or BMW LL approved oils. Mobil 1 0w-40 and 15w-50 are A3 rated
and the Ow-40 is BMW LL-01 approved. For 99% of climates and users 0w-40 or
5w-40 is the appropriate grade. There are some 0w-30 and 5w-30 oils (like
the BMW 5w-30) that are forumlated on the heavier end of the 30 weight scale
and are accordingly rated A3. These oils will work well also.
Gonna go back to check if they carry |
e*****n 发帖数: 124 | 8 ya Mobile 0w40 is both A3 and BMW LL approved,
that's what most people suggest using on e46fanantics.
btw, i think it's using 7 quarts of oil,
not 7 gallons mentioned in your post, hehe
【在 m**********s 的大作中提到】 : thanks for the reminder. : I found that actually Mobil_1 0w-30,which I bought, 5w-30, and 10w-30 are : NOT ACEA A3 or BMW LL approved oils. Mobil 1 0w-40 and 15w-50 are A3 rated : and the Ow-40 is BMW LL-01 approved. For 99% of climates and users 0w-40 or : 5w-40 is the appropriate grade. There are some 0w-30 and 5w-30 oils (like : the BMW 5w-30) that are forumlated on the heavier end of the 30 weight scale : and are accordingly rated A3. These oils will work well also. : Gonna go back to check if they carry
d**x 发帖数: 1934 | 9 re....
【在 e*****n 的大作中提到】 : ya Mobile 0w40 is both A3 and BMW LL approved, : that's what most people suggest using on e46fanantics. : btw, i think it's using 7 quarts of oil, : not 7 gallons mentioned in your post, hehe : : or : scale