f**n 发帖数: 42 | 1 元旦那一周开车去佛罗里达有没有人感兴趣!
大概Dec28 ~ Jan04
主要是Orlando Miami Key west |
m******n 发帖数: 1274 | 2 哈,是你。支持一下
【在 f**n 的大作中提到】 : 元旦那一周开车去佛罗里达有没有人感兴趣! : 现在缺一名司机。 : 大概Dec28 ~ Jan04 : 主要是Orlando Miami Key west
s*****p 发帖数: 5342 | 3 speechless ... 瞧你缺的,缺什么不好 ... //haha
seriously, if you do, try to avoid Christmas day or New Year day, or prepare
enough food before leaving and fill gas immediately as along as it drops
below 1/4. I did the same route on Christmas day 10 years ago and finally
found lunch at 3PM at an exit in SC after several failures. Most restaurants
and gas stations on I-95 were close.
【在 f**n 的大作中提到】 : 元旦那一周开车去佛罗里达有没有人感兴趣! : 现在缺一名司机。 : 大概Dec28 ~ Jan04 : 主要是Orlando Miami Key west
v*******y 发帖数: 1362 | 4 俺去年christmas day开车去FL, 只不过不是95, 吃喝都没问题啊?
【在 s*****p 的大作中提到】 : speechless ... 瞧你缺的,缺什么不好 ... //haha : seriously, if you do, try to avoid Christmas day or New Year day, or prepare : enough food before leaving and fill gas immediately as along as it drops : below 1/4. I did the same route on Christmas day 10 years ago and finally : found lunch at 3PM at an exit in SC after several failures. Most restaurants : and gas stations on I-95 were close.
f**n 发帖数: 42 | 5 哈哈 thankyou
new year day certainly won't be on road.
【在 s*****p 的大作中提到】 : speechless ... 瞧你缺的,缺什么不好 ... //haha : seriously, if you do, try to avoid Christmas day or New Year day, or prepare : enough food before leaving and fill gas immediately as along as it drops : below 1/4. I did the same route on Christmas day 10 years ago and finally : found lunch at 3PM at an exit in SC after several failures. Most restaurants : and gas stations on I-95 were close.
f**n 发帖数: 42 | 6 你也在潜水啊
【在 m******n 的大作中提到】 : 哈,是你。支持一下
c*********t 发帖数: 1861 | 7 潜艇相撞了?
【在 f**n 的大作中提到】 : 你也在潜水啊
p****i 发帖数: 41 | |