Super Talent Notebook Memory: 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM $34 or Two Sets
$67, 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3 1333 Micron Chip $36 or Two Sets $70, 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3
-1066 Micron Chip $38 or Two
Ewiz has 4GB (1x4GB) Super Talent DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM Notebook Memory for $37.
99 - 10% off with code HIBERNATE10 = $32.29. Shipping is ~$2. Thanks
If you order two sets, total is $64.58 + $2.18 shipping = $68.
Ewiz also has 4GB (1x4GB) Super Talent DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM Micron Chip
Notebook Memory for $37.99 - 10% off with code HIBERNATE10 = $33 or Two Sets
for $67.98. Shipping is ~$2.
Ewiz also has 4GB (1x4GB) Super Talent DDR3-1066 SO-DIMMl Micron Chip
Notebook Memory for $39.49 - 10% off with code HIBERNATE10 = $33.57 or Two
Sets for $67.13. Shipping is ~$2.