_DealGroup版 - 【$】Fiesta Dinnerware (many colors), buy 4 five piece place settings get one free 20%off Free Ship, total $86.37 (equiv of $17.27 per place setting)
Bonton has Fiesta Dinnerware five 5 piece place settings for the price of
four,and free ship with codes:
***free ship shows on credit card info page***
Sorry in advance for typos, in a location with sloooooow internet and on a
sucky laptop
Based on prior SD threads, the only thing I have seen cheaper is the Yellow
color only, at Amazon for a 16 piece set for $56.31 ($3.51 per piece). This
deal equivalent would be $3.45 per piece-though you would need to order 4
place settings and get the 5th free to reach that price.
Fiesta Dinnerware sets: http://www.bonton.com/shop/home/dining-entertaining/casual-dinn
-must add 4 to cart to see free set show up.
Link to all Fiesta ware: http://www.bonton.com/shop/home/dining-entertaining/casual-dinn
- items starting at 4.20 (some may not be SD's)