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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $31.99 Free Shipping
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) $38 w/ Free Shipping【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Refurbished Wireless N Dual Band (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) $38.24 tax w/FS OR Refurbished E3000 $93.49
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Refurbished Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) for $36 with Free Shipping【$】Cisco Linksys E3000 Simultaneous 2.4/5GHz Dual Band Wireless N Router w/ 4x Gigabit Ports, USB Port, DD-WRT & Tomato Compatible for $70 w/FS
【$】Cisco Linksys WRT320N (E2000) Wireless-N Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible Refurbished $30 FS【$】Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless N 4-Port Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $17.99
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $34.99 free shipping with Amazon Prime【$】Linksys WRT320N Wireless-N Gigabit Router - $39.99
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $29 free s/h【$】Linksys WRT320N Dual-Band Wireless-N Gigabit Router - Refurbished for $39.99 w/ FREE Shipping
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) for $29.99 with free shipping【$】Linksys E2000 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4/5GHz Selectable Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Router up to 300Mbps $67.24 FS
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible $59 Free Shipping【$】Linksys E2000 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4/5GHz Selectable Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Router up to 300Mbps - $66.49 FS
【$】Linksys WRT320N 802.11N Dual Band Gigabit Router Refurbished 29.99 Shipping ($7 to NY) One Day Only DD-WRT Compatible【$】Linksys WRT-400N ($59.99 free ship) DD-WRT supported Simultaneous Dual Band N Router
话题: wrt话题: e2000话题: dd话题: cisco话题: gigabit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Digitaletc.com has Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not
simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished)
for $59.99 - $28 with code E2000-32 = $31.99 with free shipping.
This router is very similar to Linksys WRT320N (or WRT32XN) (lots of
previous discussion here), however, this is an official E2000 model,
supported by Cisco as such if you don't want to tinker with DD-WRT
WAN port is also Gigabit, so if you have a really really really fast drop
which exceeds 100mbit bursts, you can use that (rare in home conditions,
usually tops off at ~50 Mbps)
It has 8MB flash memory and 32MB RAM, so it's compatible with MEGA DD-WRT
builds and can handle more connections than other routers simultaneously
Wireless N can run on either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band, but not both at once.
Also supports wireless A (5GHz), B and G (both 2.4 GHz) for backwards
1 (共1页)
【$】Linksys WRT-400N ($59.99 free ship) DD-WRT supported Simultaneous Dual Band N Router【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $29 free s/h
【$】Linksys E2000 Refurb Router only $39.99 10% coupon free ship - ends 4-25-2011【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) for $29.99 with free shipping
【$】Cisco Linksys E3000 Simultaneous 2.4/5GHz Dual Band Wireless N Router w/ 4x Gigabit Ports, USB Port, DD-WRT & Tomato Compatible (Refurbished) $72【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible $59 Free Shipping
【$】Refurb Cisco/Linksys E2000 802.11N Gigabit Router $31.99 FS【$】Linksys WRT320N 802.11N Dual Band Gigabit Router Refurbished 29.99 Shipping ($7 to NY) One Day Only DD-WRT Compatible
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) $38 w/ Free Shipping【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Refurbished Wireless N Dual Band (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) $38.24 tax w/FS OR Refurbished E3000 $93.49
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Refurbished Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router (DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible) for $36 with Free Shipping【$】Cisco Linksys E3000 Simultaneous 2.4/5GHz Dual Band Wireless N Router w/ 4x Gigabit Ports, USB Port, DD-WRT & Tomato Compatible for $70 w/FS
【$】Cisco Linksys WRT320N (E2000) Wireless-N Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible Refurbished $30 FS【$】Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless N 4-Port Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $17.99
【$】Cisco Linksys E2000 Wireless N Dual Band (not simultaneous) 4-Port Gigabit Router DD-WRT/Tomato Compatible (refurbished) $34.99 free shipping with Amazon Prime【$】Linksys WRT320N Wireless-N Gigabit Router - $39.99
话题: wrt话题: e2000话题: dd话题: cisco话题: gigabit