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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Oral-B ProCare 5000 $44 FS $4.40 credit after MIR (Drugstore.com)
【$】CVS B&M 10/24-30 Oral-B SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable toothbrush $9.99 AC/and offers of $50 MIR and $30 ECB's Limit 2【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Power Toothbrush - $39.99 Shipped Drugstore.com
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Oral B Toothbrush $36 AR @ Amazon【$】Oral-B Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush $9.99 free shipping from Amazon (Temporarily Back-ordered)
【$】Oral-B professional care 3000 Electric rechargeable power toothbrush $19.99 after $20 MIR FS. Original $79.99【$】Oral-B Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush $10 AR - Amazon Shipped
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargable Toothbrush - $40 AR @ Amazon欧乐B(Oral-B)电动牙刷只要$10, Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush 1 Count
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Toothbrush - $39.44 AR FS - Amazon【$】Oral-B ProfessionalCare 3000 for $31.xx AR
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Toothbrush, Originally $124.99, On Sale For $77.70, Now Just $38.85 Shipped From Amazon After Rebate!【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Toothbrush $47.18 after 50% mail-in rebate (Amazon.com)
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Toothbrush $51.23 after 50% mail-in rebate (Amazon.com)电动牙刷 Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Rechargeable Toothbrush
欧乐-B 牙刷 Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush【$】Oral-B Professional SmartSeries 4000 Power Toothbrush $44.99 w/rebate @ amazon
话题: mir话题: oral话题: link话题: off话题: 5000
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Drugstore.com has a site wide 20% off through Friday. Combines with the Oral
-B Electric Toothbrush 50% off MIR active through 9/15/11.
Product Link: Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000, Rechargeable Power
http://www.drugstore.com/oral-b-professional-care-smartseries-5 5000
Cost breakdown:
-$22.00 (20% off instant)
$87.99 (subtotal on receipt)
-$44.00 (50% off MIR)
= $43.99 total!
Also, you get $4.40 in drugstore.com dollars to use between Oct. 1 and Oct.
31st, 2011. Bonus!
Drugstore.com link to add 20% off to bag.:
Link for Drugstore.com specific MIR form:
1 (共1页)
【$】Oral-B Professional SmartSeries 4000 Power Toothbrush $44.99 w/rebate @ amazon【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Toothbrush - $39.44 AR FS - Amazon
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Toothbrush $41.60 AR on PGestore【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Toothbrush, Originally $124.99, On Sale For $77.70, Now Just $38.85 Shipped From Amazon After Rebate!
2 Oral B Electric Toothbrushes for $65 + $4 Shipping (转载)【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 Toothbrush $51.23 after 50% mail-in rebate (Amazon.com)
Oral B Precision Clean Rechargeable Toothbrush $12 FS for Prime Amazon欧乐-B 牙刷 Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush
【$】CVS B&M 10/24-30 Oral-B SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable toothbrush $9.99 AC/and offers of $50 MIR and $30 ECB's Limit 2【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Power Toothbrush - $39.99 Shipped Drugstore.com
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Oral B Toothbrush $36 AR @ Amazon【$】Oral-B Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush $9.99 free shipping from Amazon (Temporarily Back-ordered)
【$】Oral-B professional care 3000 Electric rechargeable power toothbrush $19.99 after $20 MIR FS. Original $79.99【$】Oral-B Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush $10 AR - Amazon Shipped
【$】Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 4000 Rechargable Toothbrush - $40 AR @ Amazon欧乐B(Oral-B)电动牙刷只要$10, Professional Care 1000 Electric Rechargeable Power Toothbrush 1 Count
话题: mir话题: oral话题: link话题: off话题: 5000