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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Walmart Lego Bundle Sale:LEGO City Marina (4644) and City Harbor Construction Set (4645) Bundle $99
【$】Lego City Marina and Harbor Construction Set Bundle $99 0.99 S&H - Walmart.com【$】LEGO B1G1 50% Off @ Amazon
Lego City Mania $29 at Walmart, Free Ship to Store (转载)【$】Lego Star Wars - (BIG Price Drops) & New Stuff?
【$】Lego City Harbor $59 tax @ Walmart.com with Free Site to Store shipping...【$】LEGO Batman: The Videogame - Nintendo Wii 9.99
【$】LEGO Construct-a-Zurg (Toy Story) for only $10 @ Walmart【$】Lego Buy 2 Get 3rd 90% off Toys-R-Us
LEGO Star Wars - Imperial Forces Value Bundle Walmrt $29 Free Ship to Store【$】2011 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar (7958) $39.99 free shipping from Amazon
【$】Free Legos @ TRU from 12 to 2 pm!!! YMMV【$】Lego 7965 Millennium Falcon $103 shipped @ B&N.com
【$】12 Lego deal's - Merry X-Mass【$】Amazon Lego Robie House $135.99 FS
【$】LEGO DUPLO Building Fun 81pcs AMAZON $15 or 2 for $22.50【$】Toys R Us selected LEGO 25% off or 50 % off 11/13 - 11/17 B&M
话题: city话题: lego话题: bundle话题: 4644话题: 4645
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Walmart is selling some Lego sets in bundles, but most are out of stock.
However the LEGO City Marina(#4644, normally $50) and City Harbor
Construction Set (#4645, normally $80) are still in stock, and sold as a
bundle for $99 even. Free ship to store.
#rr" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '
thread', 'click', '3232907 - walmart-lego-bundle-salelego-city-marina-4644-
1 (共1页)
【$】Toys R Us selected LEGO 25% off or 50 % off 11/13 - 11/17 B&MLEGO Star Wars - Imperial Forces Value Bundle Walmrt $29 Free Ship to Store
【$】KidKraft 2-in-1 Activity Table with Train Set, Legos & Lego-compatible Board - $59.99 $5 shipping【$】Free Legos @ TRU from 12 to 2 pm!!! YMMV
【$】Lego Princess Duplo 50% off! Including Cinderella Castle $23.75! Using code. Free Shipping with target card. Tax【$】12 Lego deal's - Merry X-Mass
Round-Trip Boat Ride to Catalina Island for $39.50【$】LEGO DUPLO Building Fun 81pcs AMAZON $15 or 2 for $22.50
【$】Lego City Marina and Harbor Construction Set Bundle $99 0.99 S&H - Walmart.com【$】LEGO B1G1 50% Off @ Amazon
Lego City Mania $29 at Walmart, Free Ship to Store (转载)【$】Lego Star Wars - (BIG Price Drops) & New Stuff?
【$】Lego City Harbor $59 tax @ Walmart.com with Free Site to Store shipping...【$】LEGO Batman: The Videogame - Nintendo Wii 9.99
【$】LEGO Construct-a-Zurg (Toy Story) for only $10 @ Walmart【$】Lego Buy 2 Get 3rd 90% off Toys-R-Us
话题: city话题: lego话题: bundle话题: 4644话题: 4645