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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Party Pooper Fake Human Poop *FREE SHIPPING* $1.99
【$】20 Horror Movies [6 Discs- DVD]: Chilling - Blood Curdling Horror Classics for $4.99 Freeshipping【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each
【$】[Board Games] Arkham Horror expansions on sale; Miskatonic Horror for $25 (P off) and the Lurker at the Threshold for $13 @ Amazon FSSS【$】Horror blu-rays $8 @ Best Buy with Free Shipping (Saw 1-4, The Shining, The Mummy)
【$】Puppet Master Classic Horror 8 DVD Box Set $40 SH【$】3-Pack: Ace Noise Isolating Comfort Wear Earbud Headphones! - $6.00 shipped
【$】Fisher Price Learning Mower $10.20 free shipping with Prime (FSSS) from Amazon【$】Cute Biodegradabl e Tall Kitchen Bag With Handles, 13-Gallon (30 Counts), 30-Gallon (12 Counts) (Limited Time Only) 2 free packs dog poop bags -was $15 now $5.99 Prime eligible
【$】Sun Joe 'Mow Joe' 12-amp 14-inch Electric Lawn Mower - $106.94 SHIPPED! Awesome price【$】LeapFrog Tag Reading Books $8.00 (50% off) at Amazon
【$】The Peepee Teepee for the Sprinkling WeeWee 5 Pack - $7.85 free s/h【$】Poop Pen - $2 FS
【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each【$】Remote Controlled Fart Machine #2 *FREE SHIPPING* $10.99
【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each【$】iPhone & iPad Games & Apps Free For 09/13/11 iBomber Defense On Sale For $.99 (Reg. $2.99)
话题: bathroom话题: pooper话题: human话题: fake话题: party
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Order two and get a Free Fart Bomb Bag!
*Blrlblablurble Blurp Gurgle* We all know those early warning stomach sounds
that alert us to an impending and immediate bathroom emergency! You make
the mad dash to the nearest bathroom, callously mowing down any man, woman,
or child in your path. You feverishly throw open the bathroom door, eyes
bulging, struggling to prevent premature catastrophic sphincter blowout. In
one swift move you begin your ass's decent to the toilet seat, head-butting
the bathroom door closed while synchronously dropping your pants with one
hand and flipping on the light switch with the other.
And just as you are about to make first contact you see...THE HORROR!!! I
will leave the rest of this scene to your imagination...it's not pretty.
The Party Pooper Fake Human Poop is the ultimate bathroom gross out gag.
This prank is perfect for both private and public bathrooms alike, and is
guaranteed to leave your victims scarred for life!
1 (共1页)
【$】iPhone & iPad Games & Apps Free For 09/13/11 iBomber Defense On Sale For $.99 (Reg. $2.99)【$】Sun Joe 'Mow Joe' 12-amp 14-inch Electric Lawn Mower - $106.94 SHIPPED! Awesome price
【$】Sweet Farts: Rippin' It Old School (Sweet Farts Series)- amazon - $2.49 FS prime - gold box (limited time) - paperback【$】The Peepee Teepee for the Sprinkling WeeWee 5 Pack - $7.85 free s/h
【$】Fake mustaches - $2.61 a dozen shipped【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each
【$】*ECOMOM.COM* Free $10 CODE【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each
【$】20 Horror Movies [6 Discs- DVD]: Chilling - Blood Curdling Horror Classics for $4.99 Freeshipping【$】Tales from the Crypt 75% off seasons 1 to 7 $9.98 each
【$】[Board Games] Arkham Horror expansions on sale; Miskatonic Horror for $25 (P off) and the Lurker at the Threshold for $13 @ Amazon FSSS【$】Horror blu-rays $8 @ Best Buy with Free Shipping (Saw 1-4, The Shining, The Mummy)
【$】Puppet Master Classic Horror 8 DVD Box Set $40 SH【$】3-Pack: Ace Noise Isolating Comfort Wear Earbud Headphones! - $6.00 shipped
【$】Fisher Price Learning Mower $10.20 free shipping with Prime (FSSS) from Amazon【$】Cute Biodegradabl e Tall Kitchen Bag With Handles, 13-Gallon (30 Counts), 30-Gallon (12 Counts) (Limited Time Only) 2 free packs dog poop bags -was $15 now $5.99 Prime eligible
话题: bathroom话题: pooper话题: human话题: fake话题: party