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_DealGroup版 - 【$】SeagateFreeAgentGoFlex(TM) 2TB External Hard Drive-USB 2.0 $109.99 Staples.com ($84.99 W/ 25 off 100 cpn) FREE SHIPPING
【$】Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk, USB 3.0 3TB External Hard Drive for $111.99 Shipped【$】Folgers 33.9 oz can, Regular Classic Roast - $6.99 FS to Store
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Riptunes 2GB Digital Media Player - MP3 & FM Player/Voice Recorder (Blue or Red) $13 Free Shipping【$】TurboTax Deluxe Fed Efile State 2011 Quicken $7.59 AC AR & PM @staples w/PM
【$】Seagate 500GB USB 2.5" Portable External Hard Drive, $49 at Walmart【$】OCZ 128GB Petrol SATA III 2.5" Solid State Drive ~$96 /AC 64GB for ~$56 /AC
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Western Digital WDAVN00BN WD TV HD 1080p Media Player w/ HDMI & USB [Recertified] $42 Free Shipping【$】Microsoft Explorer Touch Mouse (Limited Edition Red)$19.99 staples
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) TWO AT&T Micro USB Cell Phone Car Charger with Extra USB Port $5 Free Shipping!【$】SeagateFreeAgent(TM) GoFlex(TM) 1TB Desktop External Hard Drive-USB 2.0 for about $52 after tax, AR & cost of cpn
【$】$5 for one Fandango movie ticket (limit 2)【$】SeagateFreeAgent(TM) GoFlex(TM) 1TB External Hard Drive ~ $35.50 ( tax) A/C YMMV
【$】Today Only Turbo Tax Delux (Efile State) Quicken Deluxe < $39 Tax AC AER's at Staples【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Logitech Harmony 720 Universal Remote Control [Recertified] for $67 Free Shipping
【$】Crucial 128 GB m4 2.5-Inch Solid State Drive for $147.99 tax AC and PM at Staples【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Toshiba Canvio 750 GB Hard Drive for $80 Free Shipping
话题: shipping话题: usb话题: free话题: drive话题: 2tb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
SeagateFreeAgentGoFlex(TM) 2TB External Hard Drive-USB 2.0 $109.99 ($84.
99 W/ 25 off 100 cpn) FREE SHIPPING
$179.99 - 70.00 = $109.99 - 25 off 100 = $84.99 plus tax - FREE SHIPPING
USB 2.0
Store or back up photos, movies, music and documents
Easy backup software with powerful encryption technology automatically
protects files and folders on your PC or Maccomputer
With included NTFS driver for Macyou can interchangeably store and access
files from both PC and Maccomputers without reformatting
Use the same drive on both a PC and Mac with preloaded NTFS driver for Macbr />
Intuitive Seagate Dashboard management tool enables you to easily manage
your backup schedules, file encryption, and at-a-glance drive statistics
Access files with the interface of your choice with the appropriate GoFlex
Desktop Adaptor(sold seperately)
Offers both vertical and horizontal drive orientation
2-year limited warranty
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【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Toshiba Canvio 750 GB Hard Drive for $80 Free Shipping【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) TWO AT&T Micro USB Cell Phone Car Charger with Extra USB Port $5 Free Shipping!
【$】Skip Hop Studio Diaper Tote Bag $33 (Orig. $90)【$】$5 for one Fandango movie ticket (limit 2)
【$】**Newly Designed Twist-able D-PAD** (Ebay Daily Deal) Xbox 360 Color Accessory Pack (Wireless Controller, Play & Charge Cable, & Rechargeable Battery) (Silver) $48 Free Shipping【$】Today Only Turbo Tax Delux (Efile State) Quicken Deluxe < $39 Tax AC AER's at Staples
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Band Hero Super Bundle feat. Taylor Swift (Xbox360) $60 Free Shipping【$】Crucial 128 GB m4 2.5-Inch Solid State Drive for $147.99 tax AC and PM at Staples
【$】Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk, USB 3.0 3TB External Hard Drive for $111.99 Shipped【$】Folgers 33.9 oz can, Regular Classic Roast - $6.99 FS to Store
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Riptunes 2GB Digital Media Player - MP3 & FM Player/Voice Recorder (Blue or Red) $13 Free Shipping【$】TurboTax Deluxe Fed Efile State 2011 Quicken $7.59 AC AR & PM @staples w/PM
【$】Seagate 500GB USB 2.5" Portable External Hard Drive, $49 at Walmart【$】OCZ 128GB Petrol SATA III 2.5" Solid State Drive ~$96 /AC 64GB for ~$56 /AC
【$】(Ebay Daily Deal) Western Digital WDAVN00BN WD TV HD 1080p Media Player w/ HDMI & USB [Recertified] $42 Free Shipping【$】Microsoft Explorer Touch Mouse (Limited Edition Red)$19.99 staples
话题: shipping话题: usb话题: free话题: drive话题: 2tb