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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Leapster Explorer 2-pack Leaplet for $10 shipped with Amazon Prime **Up to $12 now**
【$】Leapster Explorer $49.99 or 4 Leaplets for $20 after $10 Printable In Store Coupon @ Target【$】Leapfrog Explorer Recharger - $20 (Amazon)
【$】$30 off Leapster Explorer Gift Pack Bundles【$】LeapFrog App Center Download Card -Amazon.com - $15.52($20 value)
【$】Amazon LeapFrog Leapster Explorer Leaplet Download Card 2pk $6.99 FSSS or Prime【$】Leapster Games $8 shipped
【$】Leapster Explorer camera $16.95 free ship with prime【$】Free leapster leaplet bonus code
【$】30% off Leapster Explorer, Legos, and others free shipping @ BarnesandNoble.com with code【$】Leapfrog Leapster Portable Gaming System $12.99 $5 SH
【$】Leapfrog App Center $20 Download Card for $16.03 on Amazon【$】LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game: Disney Pixar Toy Story 3 for $14.83 at Amazon
【$】Leapfrog Leapster Explorer $46.00【$】Price drop: LeapFrog Leapster Games: Star Wars - Jedi Math $10; UP $11
【$】Leapfrog App Center Download card (works with LeapPad & Leapster Explorer) $20 value for $13.99 @ Amazon FSSS【$】Leapfrog Leapster/Leapster 2 Games for $10!
话题: leaplet话题: leapster话题: explorer话题: amazon话题: prime
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
I bought the new Leapfrog Leapster Explorer this past summer and the 2-pack
Leaplet cards sell for $14. I've seen them for as low as $12 sometimes on
Amazon, but right now they are listed at $10.07 shipped (with prime).
Link: Link:
The Leaplet package comes with two cards that are the size of a gift card
and have a code on each worth 1 point. You can use the code to get a game
from the Leaplet store (which is on the program you download when you
install your Leapster Explorer to your computer).
Basically, it's like you're paying $5 for these mini games and/or e-books
with each code.
I have a lot of the leaplet games installed, so if any new game owners want
to know about them before downloading and spending their code, just ask, I'd
be happy to give the details of the game and how my child likes it (or not).
1 (共1页)
【$】Leapfrog Leapster/Leapster 2 Games for $10!【$】30% off Leapster Explorer, Legos, and others free shipping @ BarnesandNoble.com with code
【$】Leapster 2 system, 6 games, and messenger bag $56 Free Shipping at LeapFrog【$】Leapfrog App Center $20 Download Card for $16.03 on Amazon
【$】Many Leapfrog Leapster Games $10 on Amazon【$】Leapfrog Leapster Explorer $46.00
【$】LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game Scholastic I Spy - $3.21 & FS Eligible【$】Leapfrog App Center Download card (works with LeapPad & Leapster Explorer) $20 value for $13.99 @ Amazon FSSS
【$】Leapster Explorer $49.99 or 4 Leaplets for $20 after $10 Printable In Store Coupon @ Target【$】Leapfrog Explorer Recharger - $20 (Amazon)
【$】$30 off Leapster Explorer Gift Pack Bundles【$】LeapFrog App Center Download Card -Amazon.com - $15.52($20 value)
【$】Amazon LeapFrog Leapster Explorer Leaplet Download Card 2pk $6.99 FSSS or Prime【$】Leapster Games $8 shipped
【$】Leapster Explorer camera $16.95 free ship with prime【$】Free leapster leaplet bonus code
话题: leaplet话题: leapster话题: explorer话题: amazon话题: prime