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_DealGroup版 - 【$】$15 Aphrodite infrared rechargeable massager/VIBRATOR FS w/ prime or FSSS with fillers
【$】$15 Aphrodite infrared rechargeable massager FS w/ prime or FSSS with fillers【$】Great Valentine's Day Gift: Hitachi 12" Long Robust Massager $39.99 @ Newegg (No Batteries Required, Delivers Soothing Vibrations)
【$】Homedics Therapist Select Shiatsu Heated Pillow or Shiatsu Neck Vibration Massager $14.40, or HoMedics Neck Heated Massager or Massaging Lumbar Support Rest $7.20 shippedMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) $17.99 FSSS @ Amazon
【$】Hitachi Magic Wand massager $19.50 FSSSScalp Massager (Colors May Vary) - $2.65 - FSSS Eligible or Free Prime @amazon.com!
【$】Scalp Massager $1.99 FS at meritline, or $2.34 FSSS at amazon【$】Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 Backordered at $19.84 with FSSS or Prime
【$】Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor with 2.4 LCD, Night Vision & 2-way communicator $74.99 $6 shipping【$】Duracell Value Charger With 2AA Pre Charged Rechargeable NiMH Batteries, $6.73 free shipping with Prime (FSSS) from Amazon
【$】Zune Home AV Pack v2 $8.57 FSSS【$】Duracell Value Charger With 2AA Pre Charged Rechargeable NiMH Batteries, CEF14X2 $7 free shipping with Prime (FSSS) from Amazon
【$】HoMedics Neck and Shoulder Shiatsu and Vibration Massager with Heat $16.19 shipped【$】Oral-B CrossAction Power Max Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush Whitening $4.77 after $10 off coupon free shipping with Prime (FSSS) from Amazon
【$】Hitachi 12" Long Robust Massager $39.99 @ Newegg (No Batteries Required, Delivers Soothing Vibrations)【$】Battlefield Bad Company 2 for PC $14.96 FSSS eligible, or free w/prime @ Amazon!
话题: aphrodite话题: massager话题: vibrator话题: infrared
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发帖数: 60932
Berman Center Aphrodite Infrared Rechargeable Massager
I found this while scouring for a... special gift request... from my
I saw that it was significantly on sale, googled to see if it was a SD, and
discovered that some ladies call this "the sure thing", because apparently
it's that good. ...but bring it on, Aphrodite, you don't scare me! She'll
probably just return your sorry ass.
Lowest price I could find anywhere else was $35... and I encourage/dare
someone to find a better deal searching the corners of the internet that
sell these things
This is the vibrator (sorry... MASSAGER) that Oprah featured on her show
...and subsequently sparked a vibrator-shopping frenzy
1 (共1页)
【$】Battlefield Bad Company 2 for PC $14.96 FSSS eligible, or free w/prime @ Amazon!【$】Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor with 2.4 LCD, Night Vision & 2-way communicator $74.99 $6 shipping
【$】Weeds: Seasons 1-5 Blu Ray or DVD $9.99 each (Amazon FSSS)【$】Zune Home AV Pack v2 $8.57 FSSS
【$】Littlest Pet Shop Collector's Starter Park Carry Case for $13.98 (-$4 promo) w/ FSSS【$】HoMedics Neck and Shoulder Shiatsu and Vibration Massager with Heat $16.19 shipped
【$】Amazon - Rapid Rechargeable Air Pump 6.21 & FSSS or prime【$】Hitachi 12" Long Robust Massager $39.99 @ Newegg (No Batteries Required, Delivers Soothing Vibrations)
【$】$15 Aphrodite infrared rechargeable massager FS w/ prime or FSSS with fillers【$】Great Valentine's Day Gift: Hitachi 12" Long Robust Massager $39.99 @ Newegg (No Batteries Required, Delivers Soothing Vibrations)
【$】Homedics Therapist Select Shiatsu Heated Pillow or Shiatsu Neck Vibration Massager $14.40, or HoMedics Neck Heated Massager or Massaging Lumbar Support Rest $7.20 shippedMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) $17.99 FSSS @ Amazon
【$】Hitachi Magic Wand massager $19.50 FSSSScalp Massager (Colors May Vary) - $2.65 - FSSS Eligible or Free Prime @amazon.com!
【$】Scalp Massager $1.99 FS at meritline, or $2.34 FSSS at amazon【$】Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 Backordered at $19.84 with FSSS or Prime
话题: aphrodite话题: massager话题: vibrator话题: infrared