s*******l 发帖数: 4870 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 PerfectMoms 俱乐部 】
发信人: chimney (烟囱), 信区: PerfectMoms
标 题: Re: 跟风xiner -- why you should vote for me
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 4 19:20:08 2010, 美东)
I would go around the city and knock on peoples doors. I would get a website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio.
If I were president I would say that summer vacation would be every other year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first vice president, and help me run the country. |
s*******l 发帖数: 4870 | 2 我现在超级崇拜可可小朋友,
2。特别自信,坚信自己smart and creative,当然it's all so so true!!!!
3。特别积极向上,爱学校,知道自己smart and popular,学校会让自己更加smart
and popular
website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs
that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio.
year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me
. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice
president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making
good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first
vice president, and help me run the country.
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 【 以下文字转载自 PerfectMoms 俱乐部 】 : 发信人: chimney (烟囱), 信区: PerfectMoms : 标 题: Re: 跟风xiner -- why you should vote for me : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 4 19:20:08 2010, 美东) : I would go around the city and knock on peoples doors. I would get a website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : If I were president I would say that summer vacation would be every other year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first vice president, and help me run the country.
m**k 发帖数: 18660 | 3 拜一下。。几年?
website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs
that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio.
year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me
. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice
president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making
good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first
vice president, and help me run the country.
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我现在超级崇拜可可小朋友, : 1。特别主流,听主流音乐,知道选举日,知道选的总统是干吗的,怎么选的 : 2。特别自信,坚信自己smart and creative,当然it's all so so true!!!! : 3。特别积极向上,爱学校,知道自己smart and popular,学校会让自己更加smart : and popular : 羡慕死chimney了!!!! : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs : that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
s*u 发帖数: 1778 | 4 朵朵has none of this!!!更加羡慕!!!
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我现在超级崇拜可可小朋友, : 1。特别主流,听主流音乐,知道选举日,知道选的总统是干吗的,怎么选的 : 2。特别自信,坚信自己smart and creative,当然it's all so so true!!!! : 3。特别积极向上,爱学校,知道自己smart and popular,学校会让自己更加smart : and popular : 羡慕死chimney了!!!! : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs : that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
E*********e 发帖数: 10297 | 5 哈哈,真是二小儿论竞选
一个男专家说,no, 整体的经济导致选民丧失了信任。
website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put
signs that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio.
other year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can
learn more. I like school because I like to be a smart kid and a
popular kid. Vote for me. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I
might even let you be vice president and one day you could be
president. I can go around America making good deeds for a while. And
if you do a good job, you could be my first vice president, and help me
run the country.
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我现在超级崇拜可可小朋友, : 1。特别主流,听主流音乐,知道选举日,知道选的总统是干吗的,怎么选的 : 2。特别自信,坚信自己smart and creative,当然it's all so so true!!!! : 3。特别积极向上,爱学校,知道自己smart and popular,学校会让自己更加smart : and popular : 羡慕死chimney了!!!! : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs : that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
s*******l 发帖数: 4870 | 6 1st grade!
6 years old!
【在 m**k 的大作中提到】 : 拜一下。。几年? : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs : that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I : like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me : . I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice : president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making : good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first : vice president, and help me run the country.
s*******l 发帖数: 4870 | 7 你是我的难姐啊!!!!
【在 s*u 的大作中提到】 : 朵朵has none of this!!!更加羡慕!!! : : I : me
F**********y 发帖数: 10265 | 8 hand 朵朵 for 小菜
小菜does not know any of them!!!!
【在 s*u 的大作中提到】 : 朵朵has none of this!!!更加羡慕!!! : : I : me
E*********e 发帖数: 10297 | 9 可可不错,丫丫也很好
more. I
for me
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我现在超级崇拜可可小朋友, : 1。特别主流,听主流音乐,知道选举日,知道选的总统是干吗的,怎么选的 : 2。特别自信,坚信自己smart and creative,当然it's all so so true!!!! : 3。特别积极向上,爱学校,知道自己smart and popular,学校会让自己更加smart : and popular : 羡慕死chimney了!!!! : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs : that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
s****u 发帖数: 2203 | 10 可可小朋友太牛了!
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 1st grade! : 6 years old! : : I : me : making
s*u 发帖数: 1778 | 11 55555555 这孩子啥时候能有可可那样的自信就好了~~~
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 你是我的难姐啊!!!! : 朵是我们闺女的难妹啊!
s*******l 发帖数: 4870 | 12 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟
【在 s*u 的大作中提到】 : 55555555 这孩子啥时候能有可可那样的自信就好了~~~
s***a 发帖数: 7433 | 13 赞可可
website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put signs
that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio.
year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can learn more. I
like school because I like to be a smart kid and a popular kid. Vote for me
. I promise I will do good deeds for America. I might even let you be vice
president and one day you could be president. I can go around America making
good deeds for a while. And if you do a good job, you could be my first
vice president, and help me run the country.
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟 : 这孩子的自信就是我推没的
p*****e 发帖数: 5165 | 14 上次一个儿子因为不知道意大利首都是罗马,被我吓得躲在被子里面。
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟 : 这孩子的自信就是我推没的
E*********e 发帖数: 10297 | 15 哈哈,我觉得烟囱让闺女听了不少主流radio呢
而且这个孩子很熟知campaign 的management
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟 : 这孩子的自信就是我推没的
s*u 发帖数: 1778 | 16 咱俩还真是难姐妹哈!!!我也时常有这样的反省,然后就踹她爹 :S:S:S
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟 : 这孩子的自信就是我推没的
m**k 发帖数: 18660 | 17 适当放一放 ?
【在 s*******l 的大作中提到】 : 我也这样想,然后我胆战心惊地觉悟 : 这孩子的自信就是我推没的
E*********e 发帖数: 10297 | 18
【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】 : 上次一个儿子因为不知道意大利首都是罗马,被我吓得躲在被子里面。
p*****e 发帖数: 5165 | 19 关键是他们看了一些艺术,古罗马神话历史,很多意甲比赛,这么多年下来这个不知道
【在 E*********e 的大作中提到】 : : 靠,我要是闺女知道罗马,肯定跑这里炫耀了
t*******d 发帖数: 683 | 20 这个,我也听了,觉得还是男的更有道理。
【在 E*********e 的大作中提到】 : 哈哈,真是二小儿论竞选 : 我记得周三的npr请了两个专家讨论输赢,为什么输赢 : 一个女专家说,CAMPAIGNING MATTERS。 : 一个男专家说,no, 整体的经济导致选民丧失了信任。 : 感觉就跟这两个帖子差不多。 : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put : signs that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : other year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can : learn more. I like school because I like to be a smart kid and a
E*********e 发帖数: 10297 | 21 是的,我当时觉得那个女的好胡说8到阿
我们州的,选民最后还是选了那个要提税的,因为怕TAX CUT之后会导致更多的失业
竞选工作当然很重要,环境,和PROPOSED POLICY更重要
【在 t*******d 的大作中提到】 : 这个,我也听了,觉得还是男的更有道理。
l*****f 发帖数: 13466 | 22 haha
agree with 男专家 though
【在 E*********e 的大作中提到】 : 哈哈,真是二小儿论竞选 : 我记得周三的npr请了两个专家讨论输赢,为什么输赢 : 一个女专家说,CAMPAIGNING MATTERS。 : 一个男专家说,no, 整体的经济导致选民丧失了信任。 : 感觉就跟这两个帖子差不多。 : : website for people to see how smart and creative I am. I would put : signs that say: VOTE FOR CLAIRE. I would go on the radio. : other year, because one some kids like school, and two,the kids can : learn more. I like school because I like to be a smart kid and a
a****e 发帖数: 5562 | |
k******d 发帖数: 1543 | 24 同感
【在 t*******d 的大作中提到】 : 这个,我也听了,觉得还是男的更有道理。