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_Xiyu版 - Fremont Summer Concert Series (转载)
重要!!! - 捐款以外我们还能做的事Name tag
老狼高晓松演唱会 (转载)毛车,v8和其他爱喝酒的同学
找纵贯线演唱会carpoolAway and Kuku
asking for super band concert ticket (转载)GGBC Thursday night
cabo/cabobo, rmm, ddPangpangzeng, Leon, Cat11, Dumbird
谢谢昨天来看concert的朋友scarecrow: please check your inbox
scarecrow熟悉 LA 的同學看過來
周三GGBCThursday 晚上UBC
话题: concert话题: summer话题: series话题: fremont话题: july
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 668
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: jdz (jdz), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Fremont Summer Concert Series
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 28 16:28:17 2011, 美东)
Summer Concert Series
Concert Information
The Central Park Summer Concert Series returns with the scenic backdrop 2011
Summer Concert flyer of beautiful Lake Elizabeth. The 2011 concerts take
place between June 30 and August 11, and will feature a variety of musical
genres and performers.
All concerts are held at the Central Park Performance Pavilion on
Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. and are free and open to the public. Parking
lots near the concert venue fill up by 6:00 pm, so plan to arrive early if
you want a good spot.
The 2011 Summer Concert Series is presented by Washington Hospital.
(Supercussion concert on June 30 is sponsored by the Fremont Symphony
Also featured at the concerts is the Kids' Fun Zone, which includes a bounce
house, arts and crafts, and a kid-friendly environment sponsored
by Bay Area Jump.
June 30 Supercussion Presented by the Fremont Symphony Orchestra
July 7 East Bay Mudd by Big Horn Band Playin' R&B Hits
July 14 Aja Vu by Steely Dan Tribute Band
July 21 Jukebox Heroes by Decades of Billboard Hits
July 28 Road Dogs by Generations of Top 40
August 4 Big Cat Tolefree by New Flava Blues & Soul
August 11 The Houserockers by All Your Rock 'n Roll Favorites
1 (共1页)
Thursday 晚上UBCcabo/cabobo, rmm, dd
Healer and Badmintonfan谢谢昨天来看concert的朋友
Thursday 8g lunch -- 麻辣诱惑scarecrow
重要!!! - 捐款以外我们还能做的事Name tag
老狼高晓松演唱会 (转载)毛车,v8和其他爱喝酒的同学
找纵贯线演唱会carpoolAway and Kuku
asking for super band concert ticket (转载)GGBC Thursday night
话题: concert话题: summer话题: series话题: fremont话题: july