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_iphone版 - Ten iPhone / iPad App Marketing Tips
iPhone App Marketing Part I: App Rating and Reviews为什么golf要叫Mark VII?
Ten iPhone / iPad App Marketing Tips (转载)[合集] 教你怎么有乳沟
四个月就卖掉了 AdMob Acquires AdWhirlMorning, 4/21 in history
Admob buys mobile ad aggregrator AdWhirl — takes out major[更新]犹他大学春晚节目单
转发 台湾 作者YST 中国领导人的问题快乐的一天
Top 10 Most Wicked Popes (十大邪恶教皇)Super Bowl Champions (I---XXXIV)
1989旧金山地震才6.9级,也挺惨对了 谁代表两个不同的队拿过戒指?
中国人工合成生命里程碑:创建全球首例人造单染色体真核细胞【坦克世界】a life without Lowe
话题: app话题: part话题: iphone话题: add话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 312
Part I: App Rating and Reviews
Gather enough ratings and have a track of good comments / reviews in itunes
is one of the top effective ways to increase App sales. Proved. One way to
do this is to use in-app app rating utility, such as apprater ...
Part II: Youtube
Create a video and post on youtube is proved to be helpful. Don't just post
it, you want to do this by creating a channel on youtube. Make sure you have
how to find it in iTunes in the video.
Part III: Facebook
Create a facebook page, add a "like" box to your app homepage.
Part IV: Twitter
Start to add "Follow us on Twitter" buttons to your webpages and accumulate
followers. Tweet mulitple times when you have a new App out.
Part V: Press Release
Issue a Press Release for each of you App. Tweet and facebook the press
release. There are free press release website that you can use google to
find if you don't want to pay paid PR sites.
Part VI: Periodically conduct sales
Conduct sales periodically can help your App appear on many iPhone App
websites. It is one of the most effective ways to get increased downloads.
If you have more than one apps in the store, spread out sale schedules
because apps can cross promote each other to certain extent.
Part VII: Forum posts and other internet resources such as blog
Collect iPhone app forums and post regularly to promote you apps, make sure
you follow the forum posting rules, otherwise you will be banned and your
posts will be removed. Add a link in your signature whenever allowed. There
are also other sites such as blogs that allow posts.
Part VIII: Cross app promotion
If you have more than one app, put a link to related app inside each of you
app, especially in the free ones. Or use the house ads feature in Adwhirl or
Part IX: Add an email feedback feature in your app
This is the best way to get in touch with your customers. As they send
feedback, you collect their email address and compile an email list.
Part X: Regular updates
Regularly update your app to add new features and fix bugs. Or to make an
iPhone only app into an universal app.
1 (共1页)
【坦克世界】a life without Lowe转发 台湾 作者YST 中国领导人的问题
坦克世界7对7锦标赛Top 10 Most Wicked Popes (十大邪恶教皇)
[wot]another personal record :)1989旧金山地震才6.9级,也挺惨
iPhone App Marketing Part I: App Rating and Reviews为什么golf要叫Mark VII?
Ten iPhone / iPad App Marketing Tips (转载)[合集] 教你怎么有乳沟
四个月就卖掉了 AdMob Acquires AdWhirlMorning, 4/21 in history
Admob buys mobile ad aggregrator AdWhirl — takes out major[更新]犹他大学春晚节目单
话题: app话题: part话题: iphone话题: add话题: your