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_pennystock版 - Tokyo shares rebound on exporters as yen weakens
【NJJ】关注MCPpost-Fed history suggests the worst today may be over
Vail Resorts, Men's Wearhouse, Texas Instruments好久没有看到小银行飙了
Market internals are not bad?Global Price Fears Mount[zz]
Australian shares climb higher as banks riseObama signs manufacturing bill (转载)
惠誉将英国石油评级上调3档至A zz (转载)LYSCF,交作业了~(转载)
[title only]Semiconductors, Microsoft lead surge in tech stocksU.S. Dependent on Middle East Oil? Think Again. [ZZ]
【zt】Microsoft eyes debt to pay for dividendJapanese economy 'at standstill'(zz)
nlst scss利好消息纽约时报:China’s Obsolete Economic Strategy
话题: shares话题: jp话题: exporters话题: caj话题: yen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8131
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Japanese shares rebounded early Thursday after
dropping in the previous two sessions, paced by electronics exporters and
real estate companies on a weakened yen and a strong overnight finish on
Wall Street. The Nikkei Stock Average gained 0.9% to 9,107.35 and the
broader Topix index gained 0.7% to 826.84. Shares of Canon Inc. (JP:7751 3
,510, -75.00, -2.09%) /quotes/comstock/13*!caj/quotes/nls/caj (CAJ 42.16,
-0.04, -0.10%) rose 1.6% and Elpida Memory Inc. (JP:6665 1,000, -8.00, -
0.79%) /quotes/comstock/11i!elpdf (ELPDF 0.00, 0.00, 0.00%) rose 2%,
while Mitsui Fudosan Co. (JP:8801 1,403, -31.00, -2.16%) climbed 1.2%
1 (共1页)
纽约时报:China’s Obsolete Economic Strategy惠誉将英国石油评级上调3档至A zz (转载)
无标题[title only]Semiconductors, Microsoft lead surge in tech stocks
克鲁格曼这个疯狗开咬了, 为辩解QE2狂吠【zt】Microsoft eyes debt to pay for dividend
川普给土共人民币贬值定性了:major violation!nlst scss利好消息
【NJJ】关注MCPpost-Fed history suggests the worst today may be over
Vail Resorts, Men's Wearhouse, Texas Instruments好久没有看到小银行飙了
Market internals are not bad?Global Price Fears Mount[zz]
Australian shares climb higher as banks riseObama signs manufacturing bill (转载)
话题: shares话题: jp话题: exporters话题: caj话题: yen