l******i 发帖数: 497 | 1 好像是个人付款用多了,请问如何处理才不会停掉我的个人付款功能?
To ensure secure payments and protect your interest, we, at PayPal,
monitor every transaction very closely.
We’ve noticed that on May 23, 2010, you’ve made a personal payment
2J145970SL6647040 of $98.00 USD. We don’t know whether you have realized
that personal payments are not intended for commercial transactions and
they are not eligible for Buyer or Seller Protection.
Please kindly reply to this email in a timely fashion and l | n*******e 发帖数: 4894 | 2
【在 l******i 的大作中提到】 : 好像是个人付款用多了,请问如何处理才不会停掉我的个人付款功能? : 我是立刻打电话过去,还是不做任何反应?死咬住是个人付款? : 内容如下: : To ensure secure payments and protect your interest, we, at PayPal, : monitor every transaction very closely. : We’ve noticed that on May 23, 2010, you’ve made a personal payment : 2J145970SL6647040 of $98.00 USD. We don’t know whether you have realized : that personal payments are not intended for commercial transactions and : they are not eligible for Buyer or Seller Protection. : Please kindly reply to this email in a timely fashion and l
| n*******e 发帖数: 4894 | 3 你卖QB?
【在 l******i 的大作中提到】 : 好像是个人付款用多了,请问如何处理才不会停掉我的个人付款功能? : 我是立刻打电话过去,还是不做任何反应?死咬住是个人付款? : 内容如下: : To ensure secure payments and protect your interest, we, at PayPal, : monitor every transaction very closely. : We’ve noticed that on May 23, 2010, you’ve made a personal payment : 2J145970SL6647040 of $98.00 USD. We don’t know whether you have realized : that personal payments are not intended for commercial transactions and : they are not eligible for Buyer or Seller Protection. : Please kindly reply to this email in a timely fashion and l
| l******i 发帖数: 497 | 4 恩。这种邮件你收到过么?
【在 n*******e 的大作中提到】 : 你卖QB?
| n*******e 发帖数: 4894 | 5 收过,说欠钱还钱
【在 l******i 的大作中提到】 : 恩。这种邮件你收到过么?
| l******i 发帖数: 497 | 6 谢谢~~
【在 n*******e 的大作中提到】 : 收过,说欠钱还钱