k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 1 前段时间卖了台打印机,34LB的,买家收到后说SCANNER 下面的玻璃破了,FILE 了 A-
Z CLAIM, 要求退货换新的或退款。 这台打印机是存了N久的货,唯一的一台,没办法
考虑到拿回来坏的也没用,就EMAIL 买家,给他$50 refund 算了。他没答复,我就当
买家过2天回复不答应拿$50 退款了事,要求退全额,货现在还在路上,却又收到他信
有了CHARGEBACK, A-Z CLAIM 就自动取消了,我想问一下我该怎么做,说实话,我不
麻烦有经验的大牛提供好的建议,包子答谢。 |
c*********k 发帖数: 20696 | 2 不管你拒收还是不拒收都无所谓了
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : 前段时间卖了台打印机,34LB的,买家收到后说SCANNER 下面的玻璃破了,FILE 了 A- : Z CLAIM, 要求退货换新的或退款。 这台打印机是存了N久的货,唯一的一台,没办法 : 换新的。 : 考虑到拿回来坏的也没用,就EMAIL 买家,给他$50 refund 算了。他没答复,我就当 : 他默认了,退了$50(可能是我心急了)。 : 买家过2天回复不答应拿$50 退款了事,要求退全额,货现在还在路上,却又收到他信 : 用卡的CHARGEBACK。 : 有了CHARGEBACK, A-Z CLAIM 就自动取消了,我想问一下我该怎么做,说实话,我不 : 想要被他动过的打印机,拿回来就亏大了。如果拒收会如何? : 麻烦有经验的大牛提供好的建议,包子答谢。
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 3
【在 c*********k 的大作中提到】 : 不管你拒收还是不拒收都无所谓了 : : A-
c*********k 发帖数: 20696 | 4 都charge back了,还能怎么办啊
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : : 可以详细点吗?你的意思是说我一定输?
u******s 发帖数: 3876 | 5 看看是不是破了, 真破了,你难道让buyer抗啊, 你买的,会不会同意?
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : : 可以详细点吗?你的意思是说我一定输?
S******l 发帖数: 14311 | 6 take the loss, move on.
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : : 可以详细点吗?你的意思是说我一定输?
r****o 发帖数: 4282 | |
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 8
我明白,就是想学经验,以后如何遇到同样情况好处理,如果是坏了,我会找FEDEX 试
试。 我想多了解下A-Z CLAIM 和 CHARGEBACK 的情况,chargeback 就不在乎退不退
货了吗? 如果他不退货,还可以拿回钱?那种情况我岂不是钱货两空?
【在 u******s 的大作中提到】 : 看看是不是破了, 真破了,你难道让buyer抗啊, 你买的,会不会同意? : : 可以详细点吗?你的意思是说我一定输?
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 9 以前也遇到过几次A-Z CLAIM 和 CHARGEBACK,不过幸运的是都赢了,这次卖家有退货
,情况也不同,所以想问清楚。 |
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | |
c*******l 发帖数: 769 | 11 哇~可以去买彩票了~
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : 以前也遇到过几次A-Z CLAIM 和 CHARGEBACK,不过幸运的是都赢了,这次卖家有退货 : ,情况也不同,所以想问清楚。
R********0 发帖数: 4134 | 12 你说对了。遇到Evil的就是没办法
要是卖了全新的给evil,只能跟Amazon求情,不行那只能move on了,charge back谁也
除非你file small claim告病人或者发demanding letter给病人要告他的警告
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : 以上人人有包子,已发。
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 13 昨天收到AMZON 的信:
The issuer of the credit card used for order xxxxxxxxx has informed us that
the charge for this order is in dispute. The customer claims that the
merchandise was returned via UPS under tracking number xxxxxxxxxxxx. UPS
shows that it was delivered in Philadelphia, PA on October 5, 2011 and
signed for by MIA. The reason given for the return is that the merchandise
was damaged.
Please issue a refund via the Amazon Payments system, or reply to this email
explaining why no credit is due. Your response should include your return
policy, the date and method of shipment, and delivery confirmation, if
available. Signed proof of delivery would be particularly helpful. Please
also include any other information that may be relevant to this dispute.
Your response is required within THREE business days. Failure to provide the
requested information within this timeframe may result in a debit to your
Note: funds on your Amazon Payments account equal to the disputed amount may
be held on reserve pending resolution of this chargeback. You may be liable
for up to the full amount if the dispute is settled in the customer’s
favor. Please understand that the outcome is decided by the credit card
issuer, not by Amazon. Your liability will be reduced by any amount you
voluntarily refund, so there is no reason to withhold a deserved refund
until the chargeback is settled.
A-Z CLAIM 的时候答应如果是SHIPPING SERVICE 弄碎了玻璃,我退全款,但他等不及
就CHARGE BACK 了,而且我收到了打印机,买家没有装好箱子,玻璃碎片到处都是,而
,哈哈。 |
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 14 今天收到了FEDEX 的支票,100+邮费。本来还埋怨怎么FEDEX 还不联系我,因为第一次
打电话,他说晚点有人会打电话给我,要我提供DETAIL INFORMATION. 没想到FEDEX 直
等下打电话给HP,看看如何处理这台打印机,刚发现最低价已经涨到500刀了。 |
g*****g 发帖数: 5636 | |
k******6 发帖数: 1064 | 16
HP Laserjet M1522NF Printer
【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】 : 啥打印机 要500刀
c**0 发帖数: 9331 | 17 warranty expire, what HP can do? |
n**********g 发帖数: 949 | 18 你这个卖家真是垃圾,以后没人会买你东西
【在 k******6 的大作中提到】 : 昨天收到AMZON 的信: : The issuer of the credit card used for order xxxxxxxxx has informed us that : the charge for this order is in dispute. The customer claims that the : merchandise was returned via UPS under tracking number xxxxxxxxxxxx. UPS : shows that it was delivered in Philadelphia, PA on October 5, 2011 and : signed for by MIA. The reason given for the return is that the merchandise : was damaged. : Please issue a refund via the Amazon Payments system, or reply to this email : explaining why no credit is due. Your response should include your return : policy, the date and method of shipment, and delivery confirmation, if