s***e 发帖数: 1143 | 1 再变态也没有Amazon这样变态的。
We have confirmed that the feedback you submitted for our review for Order
was in violation of our feedback guidelines. Therefore, we have removed the
inappropriate entry.
When feedback is removed due to a violation of our policy, we notify the
buyer and allow them to make a one-time update to their feedback and star
Hope I have been helpful for you today, have a nice day.
If you have additional questions about your case, 95893341, please click http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/case-dashboard/view-case.html/ref=sc_cd_lobby_vc?caseID=95893341.
If you have questions about a different issue, please review our Seller Help
Please give us feedback to help Amazon improve your selling experience.
Did we successfully answer your question? |
c******a 发帖数: 11393 | 2 现在我都等到过了90天才要求amazon remove |
s***e 发帖数: 1143 | 3 这也是个曲折方法。
【在 c******a 的大作中提到】 : 现在我都等到过了90天才要求amazon remove
d**a 发帖数: 255 | |
s***e 发帖数: 1143 | 5 被一老中留了差评。
现在人家从一个firm 跳到另外一个firm,
还被人家差评搞得郁闷异常. |
a*********0 发帖数: 4998 | 6 爆一个先
【在 s***e 的大作中提到】 : 被一老中留了差评。 : 私下查了他的简历,看到了人生差距: : 我们同年到美国,同年入学,从ESL英语学期,几乎同年毕业,只是不同校罢了。 : 现在人家从一个firm 跳到另外一个firm, : 我呢?NND,还在守着电脑,巴巴的望着有没有Order下来 : 还被人家差评搞得郁闷异常.
s***e 发帖数: 1143 | 7 amazon 还是干了点事情
Greetings from Amazon Seller Support.
Thanks for writing back.
We have removed the feedback again for Order ID: because it violates our
feedback guidelines for the second time. With this case, we are glad to
inform you that the buyer has no another chance to reinstate their feedback
If you feel that the buyer is taking you for granted, you can send a report
to our investigations team regarding this situation they will investigate
the issue and take the necessary actions against this buyer. |
u***n 发帖数: 10554 | 8 他是韩学愈,你是方鸿渐。
【在 s***e 的大作中提到】 : 被一老中留了差评。 : 私下查了他的简历,看到了人生差距: : 我们同年到美国,同年入学,从ESL英语学期,几乎同年毕业,只是不同校罢了。 : 现在人家从一个firm 跳到另外一个firm, : 我呢?NND,还在守着电脑,巴巴的望着有没有Order下来 : 还被人家差评搞得郁闷异常.