shopping版 - Acer 10" 上网本 N450.6Cell $199 HOT! |
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● MSI 10" Netbook w/N450,1G,160G,3Cell~ $199! | ● 现在性价比(主要是性能,质量)最好的NETBOOK | ● Dell Mini 10 w/N450,6Cell $245 HOT! | ● 请推荐便宜的netbook | ● Gateway 11.6" Core 2 Solo Netbook $331 | ● 想买200刀以下的10英寸的用xp的Netbook,请推荐 | ● Lenovo S10E 10.1" Netbook $197 | ● Acer Aspire One AOD150-1920 6cell $258 HOT! | ● 近期有没有netbook deal? | ● 怎么没人讨论这个?不hot吗? | ● Toshiba 10.1" w/N280, 1G, 250G, Cell $251 HOT! | ● Dell的这个网本怎么样? | ● Acer Aspire One 10寸上网本 $229 | ● lenovo S10-3 N450/1G/160G/6Cell $299 | ● Sony 10.1" /N280, 1G, 250G, 6Cell $299 HOT! | ● HP Mini 210 1090N怎么样? |
b*****t 发帖数: 3396 | 1 IN Store ONLY!
Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook w/N450,1G,160G,6Cell,Win7 $199
* Target has Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook for$199
o In store only!
o Next lowest price is $298 ( Google Product )
o 4.5/5 customer reviews on Amazon ( Reviews and Price at Amazon )
* It features:
o Intel Atom N450 1.6GHz / 10.1" LED Screen 1024x600
1G DDR2 RAM / 160G Hard Drive
Webcam / Win 7 / 6 cell battery
| p*********w 发帖数: 23432 | 2 不错
【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】 : IN Store ONLY! : : Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook w/N450,1G,160G,6Cell,Win7 $199 : * Target has Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook for$199 : o In store only! : o Next lowest price is $298 ( Google Product ) : o 4.5/5 customer reviews on Amazon ( Reviews and Price at Amazon ) : * It features: : o Intel Atom N450 1.6GHz / 10.1" LED Screen 1024x600 : 1G DDR2 RAM / 160G Hard Drive
| i*****e 发帖数: 27 | | s*********y 发帖数: 6489 | 4 草,刚从靶子店回来,为啥我走之前没看到这个消息呢 | G***O 发帖数: 839 | | l*******n 发帖数: 11 | 6 今天下午入手一个
只是windows 7 starter 装不了中文语言包,本来是给家里老人买了聊天用的,改天换
【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】 : IN Store ONLY! : : Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook w/N450,1G,160G,6Cell,Win7 $199 : * Target has Acer Aspire One AO532H-2588 10.1 inch Netbook for$199 : o In store only! : o Next lowest price is $298 ( Google Product ) : o 4.5/5 customer reviews on Amazon ( Reviews and Price at Amazon ) : * It features: : o Intel Atom N450 1.6GHz / 10.1" LED Screen 1024x600 : 1G DDR2 RAM / 160G Hard Drive
| g***j 发帖数: 13 | 7 昨天晚上跑过去买了一个,感觉很不错,屏很亮,电池也可以用至少6个小时,唯一的
不足可能就是touchpad有些硬,希望用段时间会好些! | y***m 发帖数: 7027 | 8 all gone...
【在 g***j 的大作中提到】 : 昨天晚上跑过去买了一个,感觉很不错,屏很亮,电池也可以用至少6个小时,唯一的 : 不足可能就是touchpad有些硬,希望用段时间会好些!
相关主题 |
● HP Mini 210 1090N怎么样? | ● 近期有没有netbook deal? | ● 10寸的netbbok, N450, 6cell, 全新 | ● Toshiba 10.1" w/N280, 1G, 250G, Cell $251 HOT! | ● TOSHIBA 10.1" Netbook /w N450,6Cell $249 HOT! | ● Acer Aspire One 10寸上网本 $229 | ● Fatwallet推荐的$299 Dell Mini10算好deal吗? | ● Sony 10.1" /N280, 1G, 250G, 6Cell $299 HOT! | ● MSI 10" Netbook w/N450,1G,160G,3Cell~ $199! | ● 现在性价比(主要是性能,质量)最好的NETBOOK | ● Dell Mini 10 w/N450,6Cell $245 HOT! | ● 请推荐便宜的netbook | ● Gateway 11.6" Core 2 Solo Netbook $331 | ● 想买200刀以下的10英寸的用xp的Netbook,请推荐 | ● Lenovo S10E 10.1" Netbook $197 | ● Acer Aspire One AOD150-1920 6cell $258 HOT! |