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shopping版 - questions for Dell XPS 8500 PC (转载)
【gone】New Dell XPS 8500 + U2412M for @980 (转载)原价转让前两天的Dell XPS 14寸
最近有什么好的Desktop deal 或 coupon 吗?这个deal如何?Dell XPS 15 $699.99.
这个deal如何?大伙看看这个DELL XPS 15 加税690块如何?
Dell XPS 8500+24" Dell UltraSharp U2412M $850算deal么DELL现在是不是强迫买 ?GB DATASAFE ONLINE 了?
24" Dell U2412M Ultrasharp IPS 1920x1200 LED Monitor $329 + Free shipping战友们帮忙看看这个dell笔记本
is any monitor good for 上网/文档 or reading word??DELL XPS8300 deal
Dell U2412 24寸 IPS 299 是deal么?Is this desktop deal good?
要买 ThinkPad 和 24" LCD 工作用,请大佬们推荐一个吧dell inspiron 11z 这是个好的deal吗?
话题: dell话题: xps话题: 8500话题: monitor话题: software
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1813
【 以下文字转载自 Game 讨论区 】
发信人: SnowStar (奔跑不息。。。物来则应 ,过去不留), 信区: Game
标 题: questions for Dell XPS 8500 PC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 22 14:43:54 2012, 美东)
I am thinkig to buy a Dell PC. Here is one from dealsea.com.
I would appreciate your comments and help on some questions:
1. Is it a good deal for gaming, 1GB video card good for games such as D3,
WoT, WoW, Guildwar2?
2. Where can I buy Dell Gift Cards to reduce my cost if possible?
3. If you used this pc before, can you please comment its quality?
Thanks a lot! /bow.

XPS 8500 Qty 1
XPS 8500, Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64Bit, English Unit Price $1,
Estimated Delivery Date 10/15/2012
Dell XPS 8500 price includes $489 instant discount.
Limited Time Offer! View Details
- $489.00
Signature Event 5% off XPS laptops and desktops
Expires Thursday, October 04, 2012 View Details
- $30.55
Catalog Number: 29 DXDAPW1R
Module Description Show Details
XPS 8500 XPS 8500
Operating System Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64Bit, English
Processors 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i7-3770 processor (up
to 3.90 GHz)
Memory 12GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz - 4 DIMMs
Keyboard Dell KB213 Wired Multimedia Keyboard, US-English
Monitor Ships Fast Monitor Included
Video Card NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 640 1GB GDDR5
Wireless Driver Dell SRV Software 1703
Hard Drive 2TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s
Chassis XPS 8500, Black Chassis w/19:1 media card reader
Mouse Dell Laser Mouse
Network Card Integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet
Adobe Reader Adobe® Acrobat® X Reader Multi-Language
Optical Drive 16X CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW), write to CD/DVD
Sound Integrated 7.1 with WAVE MAXXAudio 4
Speakers No speakers (Speakers are required to hear audio from your
Wireless Dell Wireless 1703 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0+LE
Power Cord US Power Cord
Documentation English/French Documentation
Office Productivity Software (Pre-Installed) Microsoft® Office
Starter: reduced-functionality Word & Excel w/ ads. No PowerPoint or Outlook
Ship Material Shipping Material, Direct
Security Software McAfee SecurityCenter, 15-Months
Additional Software Additional Software
Optical SW No PDVD
Hardware Support Services 1 Year Enhanced Support - America's Best
Standard Support
DataSafe DataSafe 2.0 Online Backup 2GB for 1 year
Trusted ID Trusted ID, ID Safe, 12 Month Subscription, Digitally
Packaging Label RtlPck#60326 Early Readiness Cypress Point XPS 8500

Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24"W Monitor, 24.0 Inch VIS, Widescreen, VGA/ DVI/ DP
Qty 1
Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24"W Monitor, 24.0 Inch VIS, Widescreen, VGA/ DVI/ DP
Unit Price $369.00
Estimated Delivery Date 10/1/2012
Catalog Number: 29 U2412MCC
Module Description Show Details
Dell Monitors Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24"W Monitor, 24.0 Inch VIS,
Widescreen, VGA/ DVI/ DP
3Yr PREMIUM PANEL Ltd. Warranty, 3 yr Advanced Exchange Qty 1
Dell Part# 986-4872 Unit Price $0.00
Manufacturer Part# 00009
Dell Part# 986-4872
TOTAL: $949.44

Total Price
Subtotal $949.44
Shipping & Handling $18.00
Shipping & Handling Discount -$18.00
Tax* $61.55
*Exemptions reflected in final checkout page only
Total Price1 $1,010.99
1 (共1页)
dell inspiron 11z 这是个好的deal吗?24" Dell U2412M Ultrasharp IPS 1920x1200 LED Monitor $329 + Free shipping
Dell 11z终于快到了,但已经等不急买了T420 DOS机,想退了。。is any monitor good for 上网/文档 or reading word??
这个dell xps 15z值得买么Dell U2412 24寸 IPS 299 是deal么?
T400 Price Match 问题!!要买 ThinkPad 和 24" LCD 工作用,请大佬们推荐一个吧
【gone】New Dell XPS 8500 + U2412M for @980 (转载)原价转让前两天的Dell XPS 14寸
最近有什么好的Desktop deal 或 coupon 吗?这个deal如何?Dell XPS 15 $699.99.
这个deal如何?大伙看看这个DELL XPS 15 加税690块如何?
Dell XPS 8500+24" Dell UltraSharp U2412M $850算deal么DELL现在是不是强迫买 ?GB DATASAFE ONLINE 了?
话题: dell话题: xps话题: 8500话题: monitor话题: software