x****n 发帖数: 950 | 1 "The most widely accepted explanation of how dams cause earthquakes is
related to the extra water pressure created in the micro-cracks and fissures
in the ground under and near a reservoir. When the pressure of the water in
the rocks increases, it acts to lubricate faults which are already under
tectonic strain, but are prevented from slipping by the friction of the rock
自己看!!! |
l******t 发帖数: 55733 | 2 Sticky like pussy lubricant
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8 |
t****z 发帖数: 8931 | 3 Inventions and improvements
Notable Canadian inventions and improvements to existing technologies
Computing and Animation
Key frame animation was co-invented by Nestor Burtnyk and Marcelli Wein at
the NRC in the 1970s.[1]
Multi-Dynamic Image Technique was invented by Christopher Chapman in 1967.
IMax Movie System was co-invented by Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, and
Robert Kerr in 1968.[2]
The trackball was first built for the DATAR computer (although the concept
was first mentioned i... 阅读全帖 |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 5 这家餐馆在CHICAGO郊区,已经多年雄踞美国单一饭店营业额冠军了。一家店一年卖
How Bob Chinn's Crab House Became The Highest-Grossing Restaurant In The U.S.
Top-Grossing Restaurants
see photos
Matthew Gilson For Forbes
Click for full photo gallery: Top-Grossing Restaurants
Bob Chinn was 59 years old when he started the business that would come to
define him. The determined entrepreneur had already headed 13 businesses,
all catering to the restaurant industry, when along with his daughter
Marilyn, he opened the ... 阅读全帖 |
m********t 发帖数: 13072 | 7 don't panic
抹半瓶water-based lubricant就行了 |
m****t 发帖数: 2684 | 8 千万不要用WD40,那玩意是除锈去油脂的,去HD或Lowes找Teflon lubricant就好,很
便宜 |
u***n 发帖数: 10554 | 9 re, re, re~~~
Education in US is a lubricant business. US universities are greedy, they
are a part of wall street scandal.
US immigration system is cruel, it is a legitimate way of slavery, human
trafficking, sex and labor exploitation. There is no freedom or basic human
rights for aliens. |
j*****p 发帖数: 24000 | 10 我擦,十年前我老根本不来菌斑,要来也只去地方板块问一下附近哪里卖lubricant,
完全不认识我老了。算了,就躲在这里看戏算了。怎么样,civic也是自动档嘛 |
r********1 发帖数: 7345 | 11 CONROE, Texas -- A series of explosions rocked an oil field chemical supply
company north of Houston on Friday, setting off a three-alarm fire that sent
a broad, dense column of thick, black smoke towering into the otherwise
blue skies.
Authorities knew of no injuries from the explosions and blaze that erupted
about 4:30 p.m., said Conroe Fire Marshal Mike Legoudes.
Firefighters took about two hours to bring the fire under control at the
DrillChem plant on the eastern fringe of Conroe, about 40 ... 阅读全帖 |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 12 美国卖的castor oil就是蓖麻油。 网上卖蓖麻油的很多。
Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor
oil plant (Ricinus communis).[1] The common name "castor oil", from which
the plant gets its name, probably comes from its use as a replacement for
castoreum, a perfume base made from the dried perineal glands of the beaver
(castor in Latin).[2]
Castor oil is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste
and odor once first ingested. Its boiling point is 313 °C (595 °F) and i... 阅读全帖 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 13 what kind of lubrication do you use? |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 14 首先不要搞硅胶胸女。。。假货。
其次套套 package 里加的一点 lubricant 大部分是 water-based.
最后 couple vibrator 一大优势就是戴套也可以(此处省略三万字),就算是 couple
,尽可能 protected 仍旧是健康的王道乐土。
:擦,你搞硅胶女的时候难不成不戴套 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 15 Oil based lubricant 用来润滑 BMW 的气缸 或者 AK47 的枪镗 都不错,但是不能用
: 尼玛 卖油郎夜夜抓着花魁奶子鸡巴抹油噗嗤一声背入操一炮 爽死了!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 16
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 16 现代知性美女,用合适的 vibrator 和 lubricant,一样能保持 pelvic floor muscle
group healthy。。。而且说实话可能比不懂技巧体贴的霸王硬上弓的效果只好不坏。
。。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 17 避孕工作要做好就是了。。。给汽车用全合成机油,给女人用全合成乳胶避孕套。。。
还有 organic intimacy lubricant 和 medical grade silicone vibrator 以备不时
: 平均来说,是女的吃亏,因为女的怀孕了得去打胎,很伤身体的。
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 18 过去古代社会是这样。
二是没有 organic intimacy lubricant,天生大庆大寨油田机油少的,或者机油持续
但现代社会以上都无限量供应,再不行如果不是器质性疾病的话,通常 libdo 低是那
schizophrenia 还是 biplor disorder,目前的医学只能需要时上点洁尔阴治个标,不
发生严重感染就直接打发回家。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 19 大量大肠杆菌,那是消毒工作不行。。。少量大肠杆菌的话,更多可能是造成尿路感染
,而不是阴道大肠杆菌滋生。。。不过这个可以保持尿液酸性环境,比如 cranberry
juice 或者 cranberry dietary supplement。
出血或损伤的问题,首先是润滑不够,应该多用一些 water-based organic intimacy
lubricant,就好比汽车要用 full synthetic motor oil 一个道理。
索男。。。这个问题现代社会最好的办法是适当使用锂电池震动棒,或者 couple
7000 转还是容易损伤气缸,所以就要 Toyota Prius 的 Hybrid 技术,用锂电池
motor 和 行星齿轮 transmission 协助,保持气缸在最佳工作状态而不引起损伤。。
。当然 couple vibra... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 20 这是性能力不行的找的接口我觉得。
当然合理健康的性玩具 intimacy lubricant 之类的,是可以的,就像逗娃玩的话,玩
情人可 |
y****g 发帖数: 36950 | 21 应该是哺乳动物本能,比如有些小猫小狗这类动物交配前喜欢把鼻子凑到对方屁股那蹭
:口交原始的功能主要是 lubrication,以及在前戏时保持几把硬度。另外就是口交在
: |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 22 不射是因为跟高分美女每晚碧草三次,那人体当然就自然调整,不会每次都射。而且少
射几次也自然延长硬的时间,这样自然增加跟高分美女之间的 chemical bond。
所以莎士比亚说过:to ejaculate, or not to ejaculate, that is the question
only mother nature know the answer 。。。 这个言下之意就是,楼上光棍们就不要
动按摩器和 organic intimacy lubricant 换换口味没事。。。一个是按摩肌肉的同时
也别百米赛跑 overheated。。。另一个省了口交那步陋习)。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 23 有 全合成避孕套 和 organic intimacy lubricant,还能有啥问题。
华人版小黄人的性知识还停留在五千年以前。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 24 女人兴奋舒适了就会比较紧,一个原因是血供充血,另一个原因是 core muscle group
特别是 pelvic floor
muscle group 自然收缩的张力 。。。 当然这个也是很好的健康锻炼就是了。
另外不要把干涩跟紧混淆 。。。 干涩其实不好更不健康,女的疼也容易受伤 。。。
又滑又紧才是健康 。。。 男女
同步是最理想的,但是快慢差异也是人之常情 。。。 现代社会 organic water based
intimacy lubricant 适当用一些也是应该的,就好比 season steak 时加点 sea
salt 味道更好 。。。
: 抱怨松的都是一群废物。没感受过什么叫真正的紧。什么叫双脚一拧能夹
: 是自己没用。
: 科学要老老实实的态度。岛国运动同样要钻研要大胆假设小心求证做记录
: 显著分析。看人家版主开房开到金卡。
: 琐男和某些腐败分子的惊艳都是鸡身上来的。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 25 这个也是 。。。 还有环境影响,比如大热三伏天,光溜溜地抱着一起的时间少了,做
的就少 。。。 冬天经常被子里抱在一起,就经常很硬。
另外还有观念影响 。。。 美帝的 OB 或者 Nurse Practitioner 都会建议哺乳期用
intimacy lubricant,等于暗示恢复做爱 。。。 而我们老中过去观念都是哺乳期忙得
要死就算了 。。。 后来才知道哺乳期是女性抑郁的高危期,男性出轨的高危期 。。
这个问题是我守旧成猪理学,责任在我,不是美女的问题。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 26 那是产后的第一两次检查 。。。 这个上下文里是都提到 intimacy lubricant 了,这
: 产后体检当然一起去,刚生完的时候老婆身体弱,状况多,当然要跟着去看看有
: 么医嘱可以听,还要帮帮手。恢复期过了也得去,帮着抱娃。
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 27 很多 lotion / lubricant 之类的本来就有点香味,足够了。
: 尼玛。你非要弄那么浓?你们都是傻子吗?
: 处女不会勾引男人,器人我指你一条明路,还非要抬杠。
G*******n 发帖数: 6889 | 29 米帝/西方社会上不上得了多数靠酒精这个[social]lubricant,对黑白墨穆三也不
例外 |
发帖数: 1 | 30 不过确实有virgina lubricate...OCT 就有。。我见过一个台湾老太太说的。。。 |
发帖数: 1 | 31 纽时是比较客观靠谱,可读性强的左派媒体,比CNN强多了
1. 2010年一个未向公众披露的调查显示:某隧道工程1/3的工人吃空饷,每天1000美元
2. 工会收买政客要挟建筑商
3. 纽约隧道工程操作同样的机器,做类似量的工作,
4. 挖隧道工人时薪+福利每小时111元,周末节假日时薪翻倍,超时再翻倍到 400/
per hour, 结果发现工人工作很容易超时(为啥工程整体进度还是那么慢想不明白)
The Most Expensive Mile of Subway Track on Earth
How excessive staffing, little competition, generous contracts and archaic
rules dramatically inflate
capital costs for transit in New York. An accountant discovered the
discrepancy while reviewing the bu... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 32 Snugger Standard Larger
Condom length (in) 7 to 7.8 7.25 to 7.8 > 8.1
Condom width(in) < 2 2 to 2.12 > 2.12
Category (width) Condom
Snugger (below 2 inches) LifeStyles Snugger Fit
Caution Wear Iron Grip Snugger Fit
Beyond Seven with Aloe
Standard (2 to 2.05 inches) Crown Skinless Skin
Durex Extra Sensitive
... 阅读全帖 |
M******a 发帖数: 6723 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Mod_CHN_Hist 讨论区 】
发信人: Mayingba (吳鐘學), 信区: Mod_CHN_Hist
标 题: 奉天兵工厂
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 28 20:29:57 2018, 美东)
Mukden Arsenal after WWII
April 3, 2017 jwh19752 Comments
(Zhang's Gate, the old entrance to Mukden Arsenal)
For people interested in Japanese firearms of WWII, the name Mukden Arsenal
is familiar. The history of the facility after Japan's defeat is less well
known. Under various names, it did surv... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 34 他们连换机油的full service到底是什么都不会知道的。。。
During a full-service oil change, an Auto Service Professional will:
Change your vehicle's motor oil using full synthetic oil, synthetic
blend, or high mileage motor oil, depending on your vehicle
Replace and recycle your cars used oil and oil filter
Check your vehicle's cabin filter and air filter as needed, as well as
any other filters
Perform a courtesy inspection, where the automotive technician will:
Top off fluids (including window ... 阅读全帖 |
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 35 这个确实有过学术界研究的。简单的说,就是不要握的太紧射精太快。尽可能模拟有规
考虑用 intimacy lubricant 模拟湿润的感觉,以及避免没必要的表皮擦伤。
在没有 porn 的情况下,要保持长时间比较枯燥。是不是上 artistic porn 这点上有
争论。反方意见是 porn 可能有造成 porn creep 的可能,也就是对唯美的 porn 更感
兴趣,因为真实世界的妹纸不可能有 artistic porn 的灯光环境这么完美。
对于 porn creep,我个人站正方。porn creep 是个社会问题而不是个人健康问题,不
artistic porn 来 hack 男生自己的 dopamine pathway。虽然看起来有点自私,但合
理程度的自私,也是 constitutional right。 |
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 36 解决方案如下。
如果是小于半小时,又没有用跳蛋,妹纸可能还没有被 turn on,用跳蛋 turn on 妹
如果大于半小时,确信妹纸已经 turn on,有可能是妹纸高潮多次以后,继续性爱反而
持久性爱可能让妹纸的天然润滑液用完,这时考虑补充 glycerin free intimacy
如果妹纸很累,考虑让妹纸可以休息的姿势比如 spooning position。
: 当然有可能的 然后男的插了很久都不射 女的催男的快点射的也是常有的
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 37 如果不射精,男生和女生的不应期都差不多,十五分钟到半小时左右。如果来两次性爱
intimate lubricant glycerin free w/ aloe vera 就好了。
我估计原因是人类远古 gangbang 时代,女生也不需要分泌太多天然润滑液,进化优势
不需要。 |
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 38 强东不是爽歪歪?男生都喜欢后入的 。。。
进入时有时让女生会有点疼。(这两点可以 quora 大数据证实)。
但现代女生一来有 couple friendly vibrating egg or couple vibrator,背飞时也
能给女生阴蒂刺激,实际上比前入更容易刺激阴蒂。二来有 intimacy lubricant
glycerin-free with aloe vera,避免润滑和JB角度造成的背飞刚进入时的稍稍疼痛。
合,也同时轻轻挑逗乳头或者按摩腰部臀部也更为容易。 |
t**g 发帖数: 784 | 39 又查了一下,俺原来的说法没错,就是9成以上作为燃料了。化工原料占比很小。
Petroleum products consumed in 2017
Product Annual consumption (million barrels per day)
Finished motor gasoline1 9.327
Distillate fuel oil (diesel fuel and heating oil)1 3.932
Hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL) 2.643
Kerosene-type jet fuel 1.682
Still gas 0.690
Petrochemical feedstocks 0.351
Asphalt and road oil 0.351
Residual fuel oil 0.342
Petroleum coke ... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 40 Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 41 Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 42 Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖 |
g**1 发帖数: 10330 | 43 Despite Boeing’s assurance that the new landing gear design is the same as
that of the other MAX types, some industry observers see issues arising from
the addition of a weak link that is already seen of various types of A330
and the B777.
In particular, the addition of the connection point will lead to a number of
problems associated with links along the mechanism. These include the
likelihood of corroded components due to improper lubrication.
There is still doubt about whether the MAX 10 will... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 44 lubbock 看着跟 lubricate 前面都一样, 还以为发成 撸。。。 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 46 Gay Condom Launched in India
Advocate.com Editors
A new condom called Spice Up will be tailored to gay men in India who have
complained about lack of lubrication in condoms designed for vaginal sex.
According to GayNZ.com, “Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust
and the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) say a study found that
many gay and bisexual men were not using condoms because those designed for
vaginal sex caused discomfort.” |
发帖数: 1 | 48 快了。马上就有乐子看了。
Interior Secretary
The Interior Department manages the nation’s public lands and waters. The
next secretary will decide the fate of Obama-era rules that stop public land
development; curb the exploration of oil, coal and gas; and promote wind
and solar power on public lands.
Jan Brewer Former Arizona governor
Robert E. Grady Gryphon Investors partner
Harold G. Hamm Chief executive of Continental Resources, an oil and gas
Forrest Lucas President of Lucas Oil Products, which m... 阅读全帖 |
H*O 发帖数: 771 | 49 前些日子Teen Vogue这本专门给青少年阅读的杂志因为把同 性 恋的性 交 过程图文并
茂的详细介绍一番而招惹众怒,变成 national news。这个liberal 杂志恶气不改,这
骇俗,如此来 性 启 蒙我们的孩子:There’s a photo of electropunk musician
Peaches sprawled face-down on a lawn, tongue out, with a caption reading: “
Grassilingus.” The gender-fluid rock star who taught us to unapologetically
embrace sex and our body hair is getting ecosexual。
步。嘿嘿,LGBT已不过瘾,象Hollywood明星们那样与狗与马与猪与猴子 性 交 也不过
瘾,现在居然连植物也不放过了!... 阅读全帖 |
q**i 发帖数: 174 | 50
if you can stick with lower grade (thinner oil, like 10w30), it helps
the lubrication. thicker oil (20w50) is more difficult to pump throughout
the engine and may take longer to reach further part of the engine thus causing
oil starvation.
sj superceeds sg so whenever sg is spec'd, sj is fine.
try to stick with 10w30 first. if it burns oil, then go up. Mixing engine oil is
OK (either brandwise or grade-wise).
first of all, buy the right tools (socket, wrench, filter, funnel, and
oil pan + latex |