a***e 发帖数: 2032 | 1 昨天rewards买的电话,今天return&rebuy可以吗?是rewards全退吗?对了,这个
rewards是第二次用了,可以就去return&rebuy了 |
c****r 发帖数: 3057 | 2 请教,这个马总的return request 怎么处理。
我好不容易才求到去加州的货, nnd
Return reason: Unauthorized purchase
Buyer comments: Item purchased by employee without authorization |
c****e 发帖数: 1984 | 3 活神说的是对的。最近就碰到这样的,我拒绝return, 病人atoz, Amazon asked me to
accept return.
都AtoZ了,我就拒绝了。 过两天buyer claim denied. |
c*****e 发帖数: 514 | 4 上上个星期在阿妈上卖了ACER-O725-0687,今天收了买家的return request:
Return reason: Defective/Does not work properly
Buyer comments: does not work at all like advertised. very slow and erratic.
估计收的没问题,是这个产品的问题,像这种能收restocking fee吗?
邮费怎么算?谢谢 |
U********T 发帖数: 174 | 5 寄到ups store签收了,然后Ups就不让return了,必须要google发Return shipping la
bel才行 |
y***r 发帖数: 16594 | 6 Since there is no warranty on this computer thru dell that is a problem. I
bought a new computer from you! This is not new there is NO manufacturer
warranty the warranty is expired. Please send me a paid return tag so I can
return this computer to you for my FULL refund. If I do not get this I will
contact amazon directly to discuss these problem.
怪我还是怪她? |
S******l 发帖数: 14311 | 7 回复az时,一定要附上你的return 地址,否则,amazon就判你输。label无所谓,你愿
意出return label就附上。一旦payment refunded by amazon,只有联系buyer要回你
not |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 8 卖了个手机,病人今天刚收到就要求return,理由是
Return reason: Different from website description
Buyer comments: I was looking for some service that was supposedly
pertaining to phone.unfortunately this phone wasn't compatible to the
service I was looking.
估计是病人自己买错了,或者不想要了。 |
n******l 发帖数: 4407 | 9 thanks for your reply. Got from lenovo:
Currently we offer free Shipping and Returns on all the products purchased
on www.lenovo.com/us. This is valid through 31st March, 2013. Returns must
be initiated within 21 days of invoice date in order to be eligible. |
n*****n 发帖数: 2013 | 10 Change mind/not wanted
如果是defective,是不是我就一定要full return? 甚至在return期限之外? |
w********t 发帖数: 5586 | 11 He write: Laptop already shipped back to us.
and ask for a return request.
I just closed it directly and replied with return period expired.
What to do next if i received his laptop? |
d********e 发帖数: 6814 | 12 鬼迷心窍的用了paypal付款,结果店里不能退,需要邮寄去fl才可以,店里退只有
merchandise credit
然后小二说贴上return label就可以,不用自己付shipping,结果刚才回来观察那个
packing slip和return label好久,发现肯定不是fedex和ups的label。。。
现在纠结是店里退了,以后再花那个merchandise credit还是花10刀邮寄过去,还是刚
才包包送人算了 |
c***u 发帖数: 4107 | 13 请问一个问题,
amazon卖了一个东西, 结果20多天发来return request, 我马上approve了,
但是这个buyer 3个月以后才真正的return寄过来
这种情况, 是OK的吗? |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 14 We've received a package(s) for delivery to you shipped using a UPS service
that is not eligible for UPS My Choice features because final delivery is
being provided by the U.S. Postal Service.
Tracking Number: xxxx
Delivery Date: 06/06/2013
到ups去了? |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 15
而且最近也没有return request。 |
i**8 发帖数: 2855 | 16 today fbm return/az claims around $4000
dare not see fba return yet
555555555 |
o******h 发帖数: 1142 | 17 病人发来return request:
We are a homeless shelter. We bought this for our client. Our client dropped
out of school and no longer needs a computer.
我如何处理?我不同意return有啥后果? |
c****o 发帖数: 4716 | 18 今天收到一个FBA return,是个小电器,病人有刀在上面刻了5个字母。return的原因
是defective,我检查没有任何问题。马上给Amazon打电话, report并要求
惮了。FBA的人都是些猪脑,很多情况都可以检查遏制一下这种恶意退货。 |
d********e 发帖数: 6814 | 19 之前买了2个google play,神医后来不收了。。。想着就自己寄回去return,在一个月
内打印出来的return slip,但是最近一团糟,居然忘了去drop,今天发现11号前要
大家有经验吗?不行偶就一个自用一个送人算了。。。 |
x*****n 发帖数: 1636 | 20 请问各位神户,我要return ebay上买的东西的话
是找seller要一个需要signature的label?还是只要tracking #就够了?
还有无别的注意事项?谢谢 |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 21 找到了:
What if I pay for an item with my eBay Bucks Certificate and I return that
item? Do I lose my eBay Bucks?
No, you do not lose your eBay Bucks. When you return the item we will re-
issue your eBay Bucks Certificate and you will then have either 21 days or
until the end of the existing redemption period (whichever is longer) to
spend your eBay Bucks Certificate |
Y***r 发帖数: 15270 | 22 把return label 打印好一起寄出,这样病人收到就可以直接return了! |
t**o 发帖数: 6659 | 23 同收到一些return,return理由千奇百怪 |
m*****n 发帖数: 2152 | 24 ebay一开始term里明确不接受return的,病了还可以return吗? |
d********f 发帖数: 8289 | 25 > 15%的return rate,没法弄了。
打印机也return,真tnnd。 |
q****e 发帖数: 3660 | 26 病人要return, 说东西坏的,是让他问亚麻要return label还是自己出label? 亚麻的
shipping fee charge 那一栏好像比我自己的便宜。谢谢 |
l******r 发帖数: 682 | 27 挂了一个毒药电脑在AMAZON,在order placed的第一天就寄出去了。第二天,buyer来函
问什么时候到,赶紧把tracking no跟estimate delivery time奉上。然后buyer又回信
To ××××,
Just want to know the details of your return policy... how long do I have to
return a purchase.
I didn't see on the amazon site,could be because I used my phone.
I've not receive ×××× yet, but I know you shipped. I don't expect
problems, but just curious.
又看第一封信,发现似乎是drop ship? buyer 第一封信:
We've been contacted by a customer regarding the order identified below.... 阅读全帖 |
m******8 发帖数: 123 | 28 我卖了太电脑,病人说用了几天是坏的,问我return policy,问是该找 toshiba还是
best buy 还是厂家 toshiba,还是该自己吞了?发包子谢谢! |
H****8 发帖数: 2056 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 FleaMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: HH2008 (HH), 信区: FleaMarket
标 题: Return request after 3 months.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 23 16:22:52 2014, 美东)
病人威胁不让退就CLAIM加负FEEDBACK,买打印机3个月了说才 INSTALL, 发现不工作,
是个小诊所, 牛的很,要我给RETURN LABEL 加 FULL REFUND,气死人,我的帐号最近岌岌
可危, 怎
么办? |
z***a 发帖数: 138 | 30 【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: zhhua (hereiam), 信区: shopping
标 题: question on NewEgg return
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 7 15:40:16 2014, 美东)
paid with "NewEgg customer care gift card" and credit card.
If I return the order to NewEgg, will NewEgg refund customer care gift card?
If they refund to original gc, would it have original expiration date? or
would NewEgg issue another gift card valid for next 90 days?
Thanks |
c******6 发帖数: 928 | 31 刚收到 Amazon 一封信,说 return 了我的一个 FBA 货物。7/28 卖出,7/31 return
(1)退还的金额比我实收的货款还多两块多钱。请问这是什么费用(Amazon 好像已退
给我 commission fee)?
(2)请问 Amazon 如何处理退还的货物?
我是新手,刚接触 FBA。在此先多谢各位的帮助! |
v*******e 发帖数: 1553 | 32 请教怎样收费卖了一本书在amazon, 客户收到后要求Return
Return reason: No longer needed/wanted
Buyer comments: It was a book that was ordered for a class but never used |
P*J 发帖数: 387 | 33 在亚麻卖了一个全新N5,四天后buyer收到但立马就要求return,说手机是买给他老婆
白盒子,这种我可以拒绝return吗?东西没开包,还是factory sealed的。 |
t*********p 发帖数: 1335 | 34 只要没过return 期限,有多少通过多少就是了,有问题扣restocking,不让return比
较危险 |
d*******5 发帖数: 973 | 35 有个东西09/18/14 11am deliveried
今天10/18/14 09am 病人要求return,说是不能用,
我可不可以根据amazon的30天return policy 回绝他的要求
谢谢 |
w****9 发帖数: 6338 | 36 关键是除了提供的3个选项外(refund w return; refund w/o return;
partially refund),没有其它选项。靠 |
w****9 发帖数: 6338 | 37 关键是除了提供的3个选项外(refund w return; refund w/o return;
partially refund),没有其它选项。靠 |
z*********5 发帖数: 13288 | 38 我很奇怪,为什么国人就不能return呢?
发文申讨是什么意思呢? |
z*********5 发帖数: 13288 | 39 我很奇怪,为什么国人就不能return呢?
发文申讨是什么意思呢? |
w*******n 发帖数: 3579 | 40 今年恶霸总算是没有强推extended holiday return,推出了个奖励措施,采取
extended holiday return的多给5% fvf discount |
w*******n 发帖数: 3579 | 41 今年恶霸总算是没有强推extended holiday return,推出了个奖励措施,采取
extended holiday return的多给5% fvf discount |
l*********8 发帖数: 1313 | 42 病人开not as described case你不是一样要付回邮吗? hassle-free return 只要不是
not as described,病人要自己付回邮.你不提供hassle-free return,你不仅要付回邮
,还要吃negative feedback.
c****o 发帖数: 4716 | 43 ebay现在最恼火的是return了也拿不到FVF,基本上一个return亏5-7刀。 |
c******y 发帖数: 8796 | 44 return了,你full refund可以拿回fvf吧,partal refund不行
另外你怎么才亏5-7,我return一个就亏100 |
k***y 发帖数: 2222 | 45 这个case就算buyer开case return你赢的可能性也不会超过50%。Ebay有可能帮你扛。
想赢这个case的话,你就让buyer return, 然后找10个人,老中不要超过5个,让10个
赢。 |
A****6 发帖数: 4 | 46 卖了个speaker给老印,结果他return了,amazon FBA center收到return后,注明
2010 GOLFVIEW DR APT # 106
TROY, MI 48084-3840 |
C*****1 发帖数: 185 | 47 Accept the return
Contact the buyer to work out return shipping details. Wait to get the item
back before you refund the buyer.
Refund the buyer
The buyer will keep the item, and you can fully refund the buyer to close
this request.
Offer a partial refund
The buyer will keep the item, and you have one chance to offer an amount.
Send a message
You can reply to the buyer.
不好意思, 那个问题找到答案了。看到这几个选项了。
另外,是不是可以要求buyer照个照片,要不咋知道是不是真的damanaged? |
x*******1 发帖数: 4787 | 48 亚麻写了return必须收到货物后30天之内
亚麻没写return必须寄出收到reurn authorization之后
我有个病人,收到reurn authorization一直不寄,今天刚收到,距离reurn
authorization 将近60天,非常不爽。
我没有详细的规定收到reurn authorization之后几天要寄出,怎么办呢 |
c*********7 发帖数: 3442 | 49 这个人现在已经联系我了,还称自己时第一次做这种事,还声称退了一个全新得回来,
大家信么? 该时时候整整风了。。
我已经查到这个人的姓名和地址了。。Feiyu Lei
我已经大概知道了,又是maryland 的,难道还是那个团伙? 不过不要紧,我这边已经
在调查了,如果你们这群傻逼不联系我,等着我来爆料吧。。。maryland 的Feiyu Lei
【 以下文字转载自 FleaMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: cooljia1987 ((大熊)), 信区: FleaMarket
标 题: 又他妈的一个操蛋老中drop ship 然后return, FEI LEI
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 12 20:24:44 2015, 美东)
amazon email is FEI LEI ([email protected]
/* */)
这个操蛋12月drop ship 然后现在跑来return,.
有谁知道这个是班上的么? 如果有被这个人evil 的,请pm一下。我准备联系亚马逊了
。。... 阅读全帖 |
K*******4 发帖数: 294 | 50 今天收到一个买家退货,明显货被换,买家收到货后很快要求return,return当天开了
请教这样最好不要再去fight了,直接refund了事比较好吧?可以refund 50%吧? |