m****r 发帖数: 141 | 1 请问, UBS Summer Associate ,Intern Program , Analyst 是作什么的
在网上看到 UBS 在招人
2010 Summer Associate - Equity Research
2010 Summer Analyst Program IBD (investment bank division)
2010 Intern Program Finance
好像招聘要求不高 ,
我自学CFA 材料, 正在准备CFA - 1 , 工程背景, optimization model design,
但是不想作编程, 想作 investment or financial analysis, 把 CFA 的知识用上。
申请这些职位, 能行吗?
将来 能有机会 留在 UBS 工作吗 ?
请 高人指点
谢谢 |
j******d 发帖数: 13 | 2 what were you thinking? the callback interviews were pretty much the only way
for one w/o connection to land a summer associateship. And a decent summer
position is the only way to land a permanent job after graduation. I really
don't understand what you did. This summer job chance is much more important
thant your 2L's grades.
I've known students from NYU, Berkeley, Penn with fine grades who couldn't
land a job after graduation because they did not do satisfactory summer job.
hurry up and focus |
c**d 发帖数: 3888 | 3 05 summer: UVA girl working at Cleary NY dives into the Hudson river, along
w/ her offer.
06 summer: USC guy working at PH LA threatens senior associate w/ violence,
and finds out his office meticulously cleaned the next morning.
07 summer: ? fill in the blank please.
08 summer: They can kiss the firm good-bye.
http://abovethelaw.com/2008/07/sapphic_summers_fall_gals.php |
c**d 发帖数: 3888 | 4 Like House of Cards? If you're thinking about life in government or politics
, working as a staffer is a great way to get your feet in the water.
Dear Friends,
I wanted to share the Bay Area APA Legislative Staffer’s calendar for the
Summer Intern Series – kicking off tomorrow with a lunch panel for those
who are interested in policy/government work. The series is going strong
for the 4th summer in a row and is designed to create a supportive community
for our new staffers and young college & h... 阅读全帖 |
t******h 发帖数: 519 | 5 Summer的商业广告轰炸早就开始了.但俺一直都很迟钝,被埋在学期最后的papers里,和那
提醒我,you are phd student! you are supposed to study and study.每次被他那样说
俺的有: 读书计划,research projects,和以学习为目的的两次远行(其中一次尚未确定).
还有打工,健身. |
w*******9 发帖数: 1433 | 6 The following is a letter by Richard Gill (Yes, the guy who firstly applied
counting process theory to survival analysis) to Indian Students who are
looking for summer internship:
Dear student from an Indian IT university
My colleagues and I get several emails like yours every
day and it makes us increasingly irritated. A university
is a teaching institution, not a business company.
To put it bluntly: we do not pay students to work
with us as internees. Students (via the Dutch taxpayers)
pay us... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 8 Summer has officially begun!
For those who missed out on the Sam Adams Summer Ale.........
Blue Moon Brewmaster's Summer Sampler
I picked up (3) 12pk of Blue Moon Summer Sampler today for $1.94 each!!!
There was no display price and when I tried to self scan, it said "item not
found" . After taking it to the front register, the manager looked it up on
her scanner and told me the clearance price, the rest is history.
Attached are pics of the beer and receipt.
SKU: 213050843
I would jump on this ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 9 Just for today (Christmas) there's a skate/snowboard shop in Denver that's
offering 25% off their entire online store.
Free shipping on orders over $99.95 - tax really eats into this deal for me
but even with an effective 17.5% off it's a great deal.
This is hot for a few reasons in particular. They carry several brands that
rarely go on sale. I'm thinking of Never Summer in particular. Never Summer
gear sells out every year well before any sales; and it's typicall... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 10 Link:
Free Bowling For Kids All Summer Long!
Summer Unplugged is Back in 2012!
Kids registered in the Summer Unplugged program can bowl two games per day,
every day all summer long! (Shoe rental is not included.)
Sign-up begins April 1st, so be sure to come back here and register.
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 11 Valid 3/26/12
*Please note: Site may still be updating
Just Dance: Summer Party Limited Edition (Nintendo Wii):
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Just Dance: Summer Party Limited Edition - Nintendo Wii/2820055.p?id=1218354574354&skuId=2820055&st=2820055&lp=1&cp=1
- $11.99 + Free Shipping/In-Store Pickup
SKU: 2820055
Product Features
o Spice up the party this summer and enjoy classic Just Dance gameplay with
more than 20 hits from the 80s, 90s and today, like "Firework," "Pon De
Replay," "Mambo No. 5... 阅读全帖 |
F**********y 发帖数: 10265 | 13 作业都是学校留的,要是孩子不用上summer camp还能有空
根本找不到不用带饭的summer camp, 而且,也找不到可以cover整个summer的program-
-滑冰倒是可以, 但是小朋友一下10周那就不是summer camp了,都赶上集训了!!
每个老师都来嘱咐我们暑假要抓紧这个抓紧那个,:(((( |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 14 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
lailaimom (15个大饺子) 于 (Mon Mar 8 15:41:57 2010, 美东) 提到:
bluerock (...) 于 (Mon Mar 8 16:27:22 2010, 美东) 提到:
pat pat
Make them nap for 3 hours in the afternoon? :) :)
ananan (苍天啊,多来几个offer砸我们全家吧) 于 (Mon Mar 8 16:57:45 2010, 美东) 提到:
我觉得更合适这里的推妈 :)
bluerock (...) 于 (Mon Mar ... 阅读全帖 |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 15 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
lailaimom (请赐予我德rp吧) 于 (Mon Jun 28 12:53:18 2010, 美东) 提到:
专门给报了sports的summer camp,希望能加强一下我们家的体育,结果上周是篮球,
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Mon Jun 28 12:54:17 2010, 美东) 提到:
lailaimom (请赐予我德rp... 阅读全帖 |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 16 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
sleepyy (家有小瘦猴小胖虎) 于 (Mon Jun 28 15:14:49 2010, 美东) 提到:
第一次带饭,炒饭一碗,牛奶一瓶,葡萄一盒,BABY BEL一个,还有一大罐子加冰的运
,summer camp is so fun! i want to go there every day!
frosty (frosty) 于 (Mon Jun 28 15:33:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Mon Jun 28 15:42:16 2010, 美... 阅读全帖 |
l*****7 发帖数: 8463 | 17 Isreal wants to attack Iran before next summer:-) (link)
UNITED NATIONS — In his most detailed plea to date for global action
against Iran's nuclear program, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
said Thursday the world has until next summer at the latest to stop Iran
before it can build a nuclear bomb.
Netanyahu flashed a diagram of a cartoon-like bomb before the U.N. General
Assembly showing the progress Iran has made, sayin... 阅读全帖 |
l*y 发帖数: 21010 | 18 按照科学规定室内温度是不得高于72的 否则会有人生病
Owing to variations in humidity and likely clothing, recommendations for
summer and winter may vary; a suggested typical range for summer is 23 °C (
73 °F) to 25.5 °C (78 °F), with that for winter being 20 °C (68 °F) to
23.5 °C (74 °F).[2] Although by other considerations the maximum should be
below 24 °C (75 °F) – and for sick building syndrome avoidance, below 22
°C (72 °F).[2] |
F*V 发帖数: 3978 | 19 Isreal wants to attack Iran before next summer:-) (link)
UNITED NATIONS — In his most detailed plea to date for global action
against Iran's nuclear program, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
said Thursday the world has until next summer at the latest to stop Iran
before it can build a nuclear bomb.
Netanyahu flashed a diagram of a cartoon-like bomb before the U.N. General
Assembly showing the progress Iran has made, saying ... 阅读全帖 |
d**********u 发帖数: 3371 | 20 对么 感觉这店员不是很专业 问了她几个胎的型号都查半天
一般说summer到了40F一下会开始变硬 all season又会如何呢
另一说是summer在雨天的效果更好 俺这村老下雨 不知道是不是用summer更合适 |
a**********d 发帖数: 2293 | 22 理论上讲大部分faculty就是九个月的appointment,学校没有义务保证任何summer
salary。不过现在很多学科给new hires的summer salary已经成为惯例,即使没有这种
夏天收入我知道的有这么几种:内部和外部的研究经费,教summer school,咨询,行
取,很少是送上门来的。当然,牛人例外。 |
r****e 发帖数: 3109 | 23 this just depends on whether the univ allows it or not. i had 3-month summer
salary last year plus some salary from teaching a 2-week summer course in a
summer school, but the salary from the course had to be put into a personal
research account because my univ does not allow anyone to go beyond the 3-month limit. if your univ allows 14 months, it has nothing to do with any senior prof or anyone else and i don't see the need for them to 翻眼睛. the senior profs in my dept was happy for me, not 翻ing |
e****g 发帖数: 4434 | 24 别光讨论nih了,
我给11-12岁的男孩找个summer camp.
美国这边的summer camp都是运动为主的,
小朋友想参加个文史内的 summer camp 以提高丰富见识为主。
不知道有谁知道有没有什么合适的? |
x**1 发帖数: 106 | 25 一个School of Sciences and Arts的TT AP offer.
我在wish list中request了3个月的summer salary (3x8k = 24k)。结果被系头驳回,
变成了7k的 summer bonus,还加了个条件“必须在15年暑假前递交一个大于50k的
funding application”。感觉挺抠门的。
请问大家拿的offer,学校一般提供几个月的summer salary?想知道一个大概的行情,
以便进一步negotiate,谢谢! |
a**u 发帖数: 12 | 26 现在一个山沟沟的学校做AP,上周拿到了另外一个学校的offer也是AP,今年秋天开始
为从秋天开始,今年没有summer工资,可以在现在的学校拿了summer pay走人吗?会不
会有点很过分。 |
a*****k 发帖数: 974 | 27 summer pay如果是你的funding付,没问题。就算是summer教课,也没问题。
但如果你们是发12个月工资的,你summer结束再走,估计会有人背后说闲话。 |
d***a 发帖数: 13752 | 28 真的是12个月工资,还是9个月的工资分12月发?有一些学校,怕faculty/staff花钱太
,resignation letter里写的resignation date应该是summer结束的时候。什么时候离
保险了,会比较麻烦。 |
f********n 发帖数: 164 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: freedragon (freedragon), 信区: EE
标 题: Summer Intern positions on wireless communication and networking
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 15 15:41:41 2010, 美东)
Summer intern opportunities at NEC Labs America
Broadband & Mobile Networking
The Mobile Communications and Networking department has the following
summer internship positions available for graduate students:
1.Two intern positions in wireless communications (PHY) to invest |
f*****t 发帖数: 42 | 30 I am going to do a summer internship in another state. I asked my advisor in
the international office, she said I need to apply CPT for the summer
internship. I have one question:
Do I have to register the credit hour in school for this internship
during the summer? How many credit hours I need to register? That would be a lot money since I will have to pay out of state tuition then.
I am sure a lot you had similar experience and I really appreciate your reply. |
f*******6 发帖数: 665 | 31 【 以下文字转载自 Pharmaceutical 讨论区 】
发信人: flora6866 (Flora), 信区: Pharmaceutical
标 题: 推荐个protein formulation summer intern职位
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 23 17:51:57 2010, 美东)
我一个哥们儿直接招summer intern
最好是chemical engineering, biochemistry, chemistry or related 在校学生
summer intern,有可能会延长,公司提供travel和住房补助,decent salary
希望有hplc, UV, particle sizing, HIAC 等 hand-on experience,能有protein的背
有兴趣的发信到t*******[email protected]
机会宝贵,抓紧时间哦! |
c*****n 发帖数: 233 | 32 Goldman Sachs summer associate 暑期实习完之后转正的机会大不大。同时还拿到了
morgan的summer analyst。比较倾向于Goldman Sachs, 大家能给点意见吗。 |
a****a 发帖数: 440 | 33 Summer Intern是不是都要走电面,onsite面试的程序的
Research Center的summer intern如果认识某个prof在里面(比如开会认识),
而恰好做得东西很相近,这种情况能直接发信给这个prof联系summer intern吗
比如MS的research center |
b****s 发帖数: 42 | 34 本人F1 PhD学生I-20 在一个生物PhD Program, 从14年秋天开始。然后15年spring同时
入学了一个computer science 的同一个城市的master, I-20没有转变仍然留在PhD
CS Master 学校知道我的Bio PhD情况
Bio PhD 学校不知道我的CS Master情况。
拿到一个Software Engineer的summer intern, 六月初马上就要开始。但是需要full-
time CPT来进行接下来的paper work. (有没有alternative的方式来实习?)
Bio PhD所在program 向来不给学生CPT,但是有用pre-opt实习的先例;不过很可能之
所以估计只有尽快放弃目前的PhD把I-20转到CS Master的学校才能开始合法的Paid
Summer Intern.
1. 我今年spring才入学CS Mast... 阅读全帖 |
n****a 发帖数: 174 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: nogfma (Felix), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Summer intern position 求refer (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 27 01:43:31 2013, 美东)
发信人: nogfma (Felix), 信区: CS
标 题: Summer intern position 求refer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 23 21:21:18 2013, 美东)
本人UCLA EE MASTER,上了一年的CS课,但到现在还木有找到summer intern,故想在
目标 C++ Java Python SDE Position
(或者各位告诉我应该怎么操作...)先谢谢啦! |
f*******e 发帖数: 3433 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: flyingpie (pie), 信区: Parenting
标 题: summer camp question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 17 09:49:36 2017, 美东)
我一国内同学想带娃到我这参加1-2个星期的summer camp (自己出钱)。summer camp
生体检。如果必须在这找,找walk-in的医生行不行?谢谢! |
h********1 发帖数: 114 | 38 Most summer camps are for fun. Each summer camp should have a daily
activity sheet, I looked at my son's program sheet, it's mostly field trips
+ swimming/water day + crafts. Maybe you can check out summer camps offered
by Chinese schools, maybe it's more academic driven. |
x******t 发帖数: 3911 | 39 Some day care offer summer programs on weekly basis. your township may also
offer summer camps.
it's probably too late to register for summer camp now since it is in August
. Most camps get booked up pretty quickly. |
e****g 发帖数: 4434 | 40 给11-12岁的男孩找个summer camp.
美国这边的summer camp都是运动为主的
不知道有谁知道有没有什么summer camp以提高,丰富见识,比如对博物馆藏,搞深度
么? |
g**a 发帖数: 1035 | 41 你指夏天上学校的summer camp instead of daycare么?summer camp对小小孩相对贵
summer camp有各个主题,小孩换换花样挺好。而且1周1周收钱,可以决定去几周。
但3岁我感觉只能daycare吧。或者讲daycare可能每天有主题,比如,wearing white on
Monday,bring a flag on Tueday, Icecream on Wednesday, Crazy hair on
Thursday,Waterday on Friday. |
t******a 发帖数: 440 | 42 多谢。这个是daycare里面的summer camp,没有一个主题,没有field trips。还分每
周三天和每周五天的。我看了brochure没搞明白这个,到时候参加summer camp和不参
加的summer camp的上正常课每天再分开吗?
on |
h****3 发帖数: 363 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 Tennessee 讨论区 】
发信人: huma53 (huma53), 信区: Tennessee
标 题: 請問Vanderbilt 大學附近可報名的summer camp
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 4 13:52:00 2015, 美东)
請大家推薦vanderbilt 大學附近,8歲小孩可上的summer camp 。希望是全天的,至少
開課一個月。或者暑假有開8 歲小孩可上的summer camp的daycare也行。
感謝~ |
p******a 发帖数: 285 | 44 July 29, 2015 1:32 p.m. ET
By Summer Said
RIYADH--The world's top crude-oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, is planning to
pull back from record-high levels of production at the end of the summer
when domestic energy demand subsides, according to people with knowledge of
the matter.
The reduction could begin as soon as September and would amount to about 200
,000 to 300,000 barrels a day, bringing production to about 10.3 million
barrels a day, the people said. Saudi Arabia told the Organization of the
... 阅读全帖 |
s****t 发帖数: 56 | 45 老婆summer没上课,今天给她填了i-539转H4。有receipt就可以合法停留等批准,但有
个"maintain good standing of f1"的问题。
刚才在本版搜了一下,有个贴提到移民局要求补一封信证明她maintain good standing
of nonimmigration status。考虑到如果不让老婆回去上课,那这个summer算不算维
持了f1 status?谢谢。
谢谢。 |
t***y 发帖数: 35 | 46 大家好,
我现在OPT,六月份过期,到时候打算转成H4. 准备六月找个学校上summer session,
修一些课程以便之后申请PhD项目 (不是原来读的方向)。
想问一下大家,H4可以上summer session么?
另外,我已经在美国读了一个Master了,还能去summer session修本科的课么? |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 47 我孩子在瑞华中文学校的SUMMER CAMP,这是NAPERVILLE最大的中文学校,离你们那比
较远。我们这的希林也有SUMMER CAMP,在HMART边上,但是和你们CHICAGO的不是一起
中文学校的SUMMER CAMP估计都一回事,学学中文数学,下下棋什么的,户外活动比较
少,没有游泳。 |
s*****7 发帖数: 25 | 48 Chicago Summer is coming. 来了chicago许久,一只听说summer chicago很热闹有不
少party 和免费音乐节,可我直到最近才见识了downtown的免费音乐会。先是
Millennium Park 的 free classical concert。接着是grand park的 summer dance。
以后每周都有,下周的concert是Choral Masterpieces: Bernstein and Faure (Fri 6
Train(Sat) and Swing (Sun). |
p*c 发帖数: 421 | 49 social science research intern
NORC's 2015 Summer Internship in Survey Research is a 40 hour per week paid
position for upper level undergraduates and graduate students with an
interest in social science research with a particular emphasis on survey
data and research. The program is designed to introduce Interns to the
design, implementation and analysis of large survey... 阅读全帖 |
p*c 发帖数: 421 | 50 Credit Risk Management Intern
Credit Risk Management Intern
Apply Now »
Date: Apr 15, 2015
Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Credit Risk Management Intern-W409987
SunTrust Bank Retail Credit Risk Management Summer Internship Program (
Atlanta, GA)
SunTrust Retail Credit Risk Management (CRM) establishes sound corporate
risk processes that focus on identifying, measuring, monitoring, reporting,
... 阅读全帖 |