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Boston版 - [供求] Woodland Park Apartment (Newton MA) sublease
波士顿 (Boston-Newton) 2室1厅出租 2分钟到地铁 20分钟到Longwood[供求]Newton 地铁D线站附近大一居出租
newton求推荐daycare和房子【供求】Newton一室一厅转租,包暖气热水,绿线D line边上
Longwood工作在Newton买房合适吗?【供求】$1900 / 2br - 1180ft2 - 三层楼两室一厅 townhouse Available NOW (We offer you $300 )
Sublease 2BR, Newton (Green D line Riverside station) $1300[供求] Newton 绿线附近一室一厅转租
求租newton 绿线 riverside 附近one/two bedroom aptBoston 租房求助
[供求] 转租newton riverside station旁边的两居室newton riverside terminal 2bd apartment sublease
请帮忙建议在longwood工作的住房及daycare问题Newton 2室1厅sublease 2分钟到地铁D-line, I-95, I-90. 20分钟到longwood.
求推荐Newton附近的住房请推荐Newton, Waltham, Watertown等的Apartment
话题: apartment话题: newton话题: woodland话题: park话题: ma
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
One-Bedroom apartment in Woodland Park Apartment (Newton, MA) for sublease:
Rental: $1395 per month including heat and hot water.
Convenient location, 2-3 minutes walking to Riverside T station (green D
line), quick access to Harvard Longwood medical campus, downtown Boston by
taking T. Close to route 95 & 90.
Upper level, hardwood floors, oak cabinet kitchens, refrigerator,
dishwasher/disposal, air conditioning in both bedroom and living room.
Storage and coin-op laundry in the basement.Professionally managed,
Landscaping & snow removal provided.
Open free parking. No Pets, and lead free.
Apartment will be available in Jan 1, 2013. Early moving-in in Dec is also
negotiable. The current lease will end in June 30, 2013, you can renew with
landlord afterwards.
If interested, please email l****[email protected], or 站内回信。
发帖数: 18

【在 g****n 的大作中提到】
: One-Bedroom apartment in Woodland Park Apartment (Newton, MA) for sublease:
: Rental: $1395 per month including heat and hot water.
: Convenient location, 2-3 minutes walking to Riverside T station (green D
: line), quick access to Harvard Longwood medical campus, downtown Boston by
: taking T. Close to route 95 & 90.
: Upper level, hardwood floors, oak cabinet kitchens, refrigerator,
: dishwasher/disposal, air conditioning in both bedroom and living room.
: Storage and coin-op laundry in the basement.Professionally managed,
: Landscaping & snow removal provided.
: Open free parking. No Pets, and lead free.

1 (共1页)
请推荐Newton, Waltham, Watertown等的Apartment求租newton 绿线 riverside 附近one/two bedroom apt
有朋友可以推荐一个Newton的APT么[供求] 转租newton riverside station旁边的两居室
[供求] Cheap 1 bed apt for rent in Allston, very convenient!请帮忙建议在longwood工作的住房及daycare问题
sublease a one bedroom apt求推荐Newton附近的住房
波士顿 (Boston-Newton) 2室1厅出租 2分钟到地铁 20分钟到Longwood[供求]Newton 地铁D线站附近大一居出租
newton求推荐daycare和房子【供求】Newton一室一厅转租,包暖气热水,绿线D line边上
Longwood工作在Newton买房合适吗?【供求】$1900 / 2br - 1180ft2 - 三层楼两室一厅 townhouse Available NOW (We offer you $300 )
Sublease 2BR, Newton (Green D line Riverside station) $1300[供求] Newton 绿线附近一室一厅转租
话题: apartment话题: newton话题: woodland话题: park话题: ma