b******e 发帖数: 82 | 1 Did anyone get result of NSF CISE/CNS/NeTS small proposals (submission due
date 12/17/2012)? Either having received an email of declining or an email/
call from the PO of NeTS program.
Many thanks. |
m*****a 发帖数: 117 | 2 did you get the status change? Maybe PO wait for last min to reject the
proposal |
b******e 发帖数: 82 | 3 Unfortunately yes. The status date was changed on 05/15/2013.
Previously, the rejection email was sent on the same day of the status
change. But, this time, does the PO really want to wait to hold up the
notification till it will be 6 months?
I really want to know that anyone has heard any news from this program. |
m*****a 发帖数: 117 | 4 I heard someone has gotten rejection. However, I think each of PO handles
tYhe proposals with different styles. You may be a lucky person. |
f*******e 发帖数: 3433 | 5 If status date changes but the PO does not change, it is rejection. It is
common that status date changes 1-2 months before getting the formal
rejection email.
【在 b******e 的大作中提到】 : Unfortunately yes. The status date was changed on 05/15/2013. : Previously, the rejection email was sent on the same day of the status : change. But, this time, does the PO really want to wait to hold up the : notification till it will be 6 months? : I really want to know that anyone has heard any news from this program.
j***o 发帖数: 2842 | 6 嘘,别打击人了,呵呵
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : If status date changes but the PO does not change, it is rejection. It is : common that status date changes 1-2 months before getting the formal : rejection email.
e****g 发帖数: 4434 | 7 看来又要收两个据信了
【在 j***o 的大作中提到】 : 嘘,别打击人了,呵呵 : 老油条都知道的
j***o 发帖数: 2842 | 8 你这两个居心什么时候叫得?
【在 e****g 的大作中提到】 : 看来又要收两个据信了 : 据信都收的麻木了,麻木了
e********a 发帖数: 262 | |
j***o 发帖数: 2842 | 10 bso交proposal多
【在 e********a 的大作中提到】 : 连收15封据信的有没有?
b******e 发帖数: 82 | 11 Can someone explain the rationale of the correlation between the likelihood
of a proposal rejection and the change of status date shortly after the
panel review? I heard about this correlation, but I just do not understand
the rationale of this correlation. Someone said that the change of the
status date means that the PM has uploaded the review comments to the
fastlane server. I wonder that the review comments for the proposals
receiving HC or C should also be uploaded to the fastlane server.
Thank you in advance for the explanation. |
m*****a 发帖数: 117 | 12 我觉得一般中的都是提前联系然后改状态, 有没有其他情况? |
b******e 发帖数: 82 | 13 从你说的这种通常情况,我是不是可以认为fastlane上的status date变化代表着一个
proposal的进展的milestone。如果一个proposal被拒,fastlane上的status date代表
fastlane。我的猜测有道理吗? |
b******e 发帖数: 82 | 14 另外,我怎样才能让fastlane发送电邮给我告知status date的变化?我想各位一定有
高招探知实时状态。我也不可能每天登陆fastlane。有没有可能看到status date变化
的history? |
a***9 发帖数: 1884 | 15 大家了解到的原因就象你说的. 两者关系, 是大家的经验总结, 可能不是100%正确, 但
八九不离十. 我经历过的10几个被拒, 无一例外都是这种情况.
【在 b******e 的大作中提到】 : Can someone explain the rationale of the correlation between the likelihood : of a proposal rejection and the change of status date shortly after the : panel review? I heard about this correlation, but I just do not understand : the rationale of this correlation. Someone said that the change of the : status date means that the PM has uploaded the review comments to the : fastlane server. I wonder that the review comments for the proposals : receiving HC or C should also be uploaded to the fastlane server. : Thank you in advance for the explanation.
M********e 发帖数: 2528 | 16 I am curious why you want to know this other than making yourself even more
【在 b******e 的大作中提到】 : 另外,我怎样才能让fastlane发送电邮给我告知status date的变化?我想各位一定有 : 高招探知实时状态。我也不可能每天登陆fastlane。有没有可能看到status date变化 : 的history?
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 17 我的理解是PM upload结果,到division release给PI有个时间差.
【在 b******e 的大作中提到】 : Can someone explain the rationale of the correlation between the likelihood : of a proposal rejection and the change of status date shortly after the : panel review? I heard about this correlation, but I just do not understand : the rationale of this correlation. Someone said that the change of the : status date means that the PM has uploaded the review comments to the : fastlane server. I wonder that the review comments for the proposals : receiving HC or C should also be uploaded to the fastlane server. : Thank you in advance for the explanation.
b******e 发帖数: 82 | 18 这和我在最近一,二年的观察并不相符。有可能是我并没有真正注意到PM上传review的
fastlane上的更新时间予以留心。我只是记得我的被拒的proposal都是在panel review
status date的变化来预知proposal是否被拒。但我仍心存一丝侥幸。所以,我在问同
【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】 : 我的理解是PM upload结果,到division release给PI有个时间差. : : likelihood
L***s 发帖数: 9258 | 19 各个PM不一样,通常status先变的都没戏了。
【在 b******e 的大作中提到】 : 这和我在最近一,二年的观察并不相符。有可能是我并没有真正注意到PM上传review的 : 日期。老实讲,我只被fund过一次,其他都被拒了。我并没有对那唯一的award在 : fastlane上的更新时间予以留心。我只是记得我的被拒的proposal都是在panel review : 之后很短时间内接到拒信。这次在等拒信的过程中,我才从老油条们那里学到了通过看 : status date的变化来预知proposal是否被拒。但我仍心存一丝侥幸。所以,我在问同 : 一个program中其他的PI们所得到的消息。欢迎继续提供新消息。
h******u 发帖数: 155 | 20 投了以後,你就忘了它吧,不斷check status只能給自己添堵 |
e****g 发帖数: 4434 | 21 2月份
【在 j***o 的大作中提到】 : 你这两个居心什么时候叫得?