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TAX版 - 什么费用可以算 Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts? (转载)
请教关于 health care flexible spending account 的问题 (转载 (转载)请babysitter 免税 (转载)
请教孩子上幼儿园学费2441 表怎么填?问个报税问题 (转载)
关于Flexible Spending Account的问题。。。请教Flexible Spending Account的问题
Dependent Care Spending Account可不可以把Dependent care FSA 的钱给父母
Dependent Care Pre-Tax Expense Account 的问题。求教:关于flexible spending account,能不能更改阿?!!!多谢!
我有dependent-care flexible spending account,我可以申请$10Flexible Spending Account 问题
child care费用抵税是不是必须父母都工作才行?请问dependent care fsa
about FSA and tax有没有给老婆读书的flexible spending account
话题: care话题: dependent话题: accounts话题: spending话题: flexible
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 287
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: dreamwing (追梦人), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 什么费用可以算 Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 9 13:20:36 2014, 美东)
每年我们的benefits enrollment,有$5000上幼儿园的钱是可以免税的,叫做
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts。我知道上day care, Preschool的钱
1. 上elementary school后,3点50放学后的after school care算吗?
2. summer vacation期间,学校放假,得上camp, camp的钱算吗?
3. camp经常4点结束,4点后要花钱上after school care,算吗?
因为年度的benifit enroll快要到来,需要弄清楚上述钱是否属于FSA范畴才能决定存
多少钱在FSA 账户。存错存多了,到时钱拿不回来。
发帖数: 1150
Expenses for care of a qualified dependent are only eligible if the care
enables you (or you and your spouse) to work, look for work, or go to school
full-time. If your spouse is a stay-at-home mom or dad, you cannot
participate in Dependent care FSAs. Eligible expenses include:
Fees for licensed day care or adult care facilities.
Amounts paid for services (including babysitters or nursery school) –
provided in or outside of your home – for the care of a qualified dependent
necessary to allow you and your spouse to work, look for work, or attend
school full-time.
Placement fees for a dependent care provider, such as an au pair.
Summer day camp for children under age 13 qualifies if attendance allows you
and your spouse to work, look for work, or for your spouse to attend school
Before and after school care programs for dependents under age 13.
Payment to a relative (age 19 or older who is not your dependent) who cares
for your qualified dependent.
Payment to a housekeeper whose duties also include dependent day care.
Expenses that are NOT eligible for Dependent Care FSA payment include:
Baby-sitter in or out of your home for reasons other than to enable you to
Food, clothing, and entertainment.
Child support payments.
Activity fees and educational supplies.
Overnight camp.
Cleaning and cooking services not provided by a caregiver.
Late Payment Fees.

【在 d*******g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: dreamwing (追梦人), 信区: Parenting
: 标 题: 什么费用可以算 Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 9 13:20:36 2014, 美东)
: 每年我们的benefits enrollment,有$5000上幼儿园的钱是可以免税的,叫做
: Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts。我知道上day care, Preschool的钱
: 是属于这个范畴。
: 现在的问题是:
: 1. 上elementary school后,3点50放学后的after school care算吗?
: 2. summer vacation期间,学校放假,得上camp, camp的钱算吗?

发帖数: 20683

【在 d*******g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: dreamwing (追梦人), 信区: Parenting
: 标 题: 什么费用可以算 Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 9 13:20:36 2014, 美东)
: 每年我们的benefits enrollment,有$5000上幼儿园的钱是可以免税的,叫做
: Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts。我知道上day care, Preschool的钱
: 是属于这个范畴。
: 现在的问题是:
: 1. 上elementary school后,3点50放学后的after school care算吗?
: 2. summer vacation期间,学校放假,得上camp, camp的钱算吗?

发帖数: 10760


【在 n**p 的大作中提到】
: Expenses for care of a qualified dependent are only eligible if the care
: enables you (or you and your spouse) to work, look for work, or go to school
: full-time. If your spouse is a stay-at-home mom or dad, you cannot
: participate in Dependent care FSAs. Eligible expenses include:
: Fees for licensed day care or adult care facilities.
: Amounts paid for services (including babysitters or nursery school) –
: provided in or outside of your home – for the care of a qualified dependent
: necessary to allow you and your spouse to work, look for work, or attend
: school full-time.
: Placement fees for a dependent care provider, such as an au pair.

发帖数: 20683

【在 r******l 的大作中提到】
: 13岁以上的所有费用都不行了?
: school
: dependent

1 (共1页)
有没有给老婆读书的flexible spending accountDependent Care Pre-Tax Expense Account 的问题。
W-2错了吗?我有dependent-care flexible spending account,我可以申请$10
Dependent Care flexible spending 能付给父母吗?child care费用抵税是不是必须父母都工作才行?
dependent care account?about FSA and tax
请教关于 health care flexible spending account 的问题 (转载 (转载)请babysitter 免税 (转载)
请教孩子上幼儿园学费2441 表怎么填?问个报税问题 (转载)
关于Flexible Spending Account的问题。。。请教Flexible Spending Account的问题
Dependent Care Spending Account可不可以把Dependent care FSA 的钱给父母
话题: care话题: dependent话题: accounts话题: spending话题: flexible