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USANews版 - Donald Trump used $20K worth of charitable donations to buy a 6' tall painting of Donald Trump
Donald Trump used $20K worth of charitable donations to buy (转载)Clinton Foundation Spent Less Than 6 Percent On Charitable Grants In 2014
大总统: 富人就是要多交税!希拉里去年慈善捐款共104万
Zimmerman案件中做证的ITdirector 被 fired (转载)Hillary Foundation Hid a Foreign Donation $2Million
Liberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) by Ann CoulterTrump orders surrogates to keep criticizing judge
From Foxnews:Sanders' and Clinton's charity giving, shame转载:反trump的人也该发发声了
话题: trump话题: foundation话题: donald话题: other话题: donations
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 798
The Donald J Trump Foundation raised a lot of other peoples' money and spent
it on things that benefited Trump, while allowing the Republican
presidential candidate to falsely claim to have made enormous, public
spirited donations.
For example, in 2009/10, the Evans Foundation gave the Trump Foundation $150
,000. In the same years, the Trump Foundation's total disbursements were $
150,000. Trump took 150K from Evans, gave it away, and claimed that he had
been a generous giver -- he even won an award for this act, and held the
ceremony in his own ballroom, charging the charity a sizable sum to rent it
This isn't an exception. Analysis of the Trump Foundation's "giving" shows
that Trump repeatedly raised money without contributing anything of his own,
and then claimed the foundation's disbursements as evidence of his
generosity. Trump's last contribution to his charity was in 2008 -- every
other cent the Foundation spent was other peoples' money.
Not all of Trump's disbursements were to other charities. Sometimes, he buys
gifts for himself, like a 6' tall portrait of Donald J Trump ($20,000).
Other times, he makes illegal political contributions, like the $25,000 he
gave to "a campaign group affiliated with Florida Attorney General Pamela
Bondi (R)," for which he was fined by the IRS.
Trump’s foundation appears to have repeatedly broken IRS rules, which
require nonprofit groups to file accurate paperwork. In five cases, the
Trump Foundation told the IRS that it had given a gift to a charity whose
leaders told The Post that they had never received it. In two other cases,
companies listed as donors to the Trump Foundation told The Post that those
listings were incorrect...
...The Trump Foundation still gives out small, scattered gifts — which seem
driven by the demands of Trump’s businesses and social life, rather than
by a desire to support charitable causes.
The foundation makes a few dozen donations a year, usually in amounts from $
1,000 to $50,000. It gives to charities that rent Trump’s ballrooms. It
gives to charities whose leaders buttonholed Trump on the golf course (and
then try, in vain, to get him to offer a repeat donation the next year).
1 (共1页)
transition committeeLiberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) by Ann Coulter
Lying Trump慈善捐款撒的弥天大谎From Foxnews:Sanders' and Clinton's charity giving, shame
Donald Trump used $20K worth of charitable donations to buy (转载)Clinton Foundation Spent Less Than 6 Percent On Charitable Grants In 2014
大总统: 富人就是要多交税!希拉里去年慈善捐款共104万
Zimmerman案件中做证的ITdirector 被 fired (转载)Hillary Foundation Hid a Foreign Donation $2Million
话题: trump话题: foundation话题: donald话题: other话题: donations