a****e 发帖数: 1560 | 1 The following makes me deplorable:
I was born white, which makes me a racist.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist.
I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of
big business.
I am a Christian, which makes me an infidel.
I think and I reason; therefore I doubt much that the main stream media
tells me, which makes me a reactionary.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me
a xenophobe.
I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police
and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each
individual's merits, which makes me anti-social.
If I utter anything besides the subject of the weather, I'm politically
I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland by all citizens,
which makes me a militarist.
Please help me come to terms with this, because I‘m not sure who I am
anymore! | r**********f 发帖数: 2808 | 2 Proud to be a deplorable! 赞好文! | m**1 发帖数: 495 | 3 Proud to be a deplorable!
I studied hard to get my degree, got a job and work hard, put bread on the
table for my family, pay taxes, obey the law,
now I m a lazy deplorable looser. I am so proud of myself.
【在 a****e 的大作中提到】 : The following makes me deplorable: : I was born white, which makes me a racist. : I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist. : I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe. : I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of : big business. : I am a Christian, which makes me an infidel. : I think and I reason; therefore I doubt much that the main stream media : tells me, which makes me a reactionary. : I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me
| s********o 发帖数: 1237 | 4 但这毕竟是说气话。
而同样无耻的克林顿男士呢?在庙堂上面宣淫。 | m**1 发帖数: 495 | 5 同意你总结的无耻之徒的卑鄙行径。
【在 s********o 的大作中提到】 : 但这毕竟是说气话。 : 最无耻的 : 其实是民主党的克林顿女士,在庙堂上面骂街。 : 而同样无耻的克林顿男士呢?在庙堂上面宣淫。
| i********1 发帖数: 704 | 6 当希拉里说出basket of
ldy (大才001) - 买买提 1.23.01
1 50.* 9/16/16, 7:56:22 AM (56'52")
9/16/16, 7:57:2 AM (56'12"), 172.*
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人 但到了选举的那天 想起
这个伟大的国家要被这basket of deplorable take over 那说什么也得捏着鼻子投希
instagram1 (instagram) - 买买提 1.23.01
2 165.* 9/16/16, 8:44:11 AM (9'3")
说得太好了 | m**1 发帖数: 495 | 7 哈哈,看,左X精分了吧!
欢迎你家老妖婆躺"赢" -- 阿Q赢!
【在 i********1 的大作中提到】 : 当希拉里说出basket of : deplorable这三个字的一刻 : Bear : ldy (大才001) - 买买提 1.23.01 : 1 50.* 9/16/16, 7:56:22 AM (56'52") : 9/16/16, 7:57:2 AM (56'12"), 172.* : 我就知道她赢定了 : 这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣! : 大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些 : Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
| m**1 发帖数: 495 | 8 哈哈,不光精分,还玩精神分裂,在隔壁贴里互撸。哈哈哈哈哈哈
【在 m**1 的大作中提到】 : 哈哈,看,左X精分了吧! : 欢迎你家老妖婆躺"赢" -- 阿Q赢! : : 鸣!
| l*y 发帖数: 21010 | 9 说的确实很好
【在 i********1 的大作中提到】 : 当希拉里说出basket of : deplorable这三个字的一刻 : Bear : ldy (大才001) - 买买提 1.23.01 : 1 50.* 9/16/16, 7:56:22 AM (56'52") : 9/16/16, 7:57:2 AM (56'12"), 172.* : 我就知道她赢定了 : 这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣! : 大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些 : Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
| g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 10 听说往年投票率在40%左右。
【在 m**1 的大作中提到】 : 同意你总结的无耻之徒的卑鄙行径。 : 但是上面两篇真的不是仅仅在说气话,已经是一种新的趋势和潮流了,估计这会是驱动 : 川普Landslide赢大选的一个原动力。 : 老妖婆是在念提词器的时候说的,绝对是团队精准计算过的,希望极大的动摇广大中间 : 派的盘面,结果她的AA团队完全错误地估计了形势,反而帮助川普巩固了这一广大的基 : 础面。 : 美帝以往的大选,基本上就没太多人关心,投票率常年在55%~60%之间,也就是说常年 : 有一亿多人根本就不参与投票,这次川普只需要鼓动这里面10%的人出来投他,就会是 : Landslide的结果了,而恰恰这些人都不会被各种常规的Polls所覆盖。 : 现在大家知道为什么左X疯了似的上蹿下跳了吧?