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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Home Depot Labor Day Sale. $9.97 40 lbs Kingsford, $197 Brinkmann Grill
【$】Lowes Labor Day Sale【$】Kingsford 13.9 lb. Original Charcoal Briquettes (2-Pack) for $5.88 @ Home Depot
【$】Buy One Get One Free Kingsford Charcoal At Lowe's Beginning July 1st【$】Kingsford 2 15lb bags $5.48 Walmart
【$】Home Depot has Kingsford Charcoal 40 lbs $9.97 again starting 7/1【$】Charcoal deal is here - Lowes $9.99 for 40Lb Kingsford Briquets
【$】Kingsford 18 1/2" Charcoal Kettle Grill $25 $6 Shipping【$】Weber PerformerCharcoal Grill $248.99 SHIPPED
【$】Best of Charcoal 2011 - Kingsford Charcoal 33.2 lbs $7.50, Memorial Day '11 Charcoal Wars【$】Brinkmann Gourmet Electric Smoker and Grill with Vinyl Cover $69.97 Free shipping from Amazon (Temp. Back-ordered)
【$】Two 16.6 lbs of Kingsford Charcoal at Lowes for $8.48【$】Char-Griller Super Pro Charcoal Grill - $89
【$】Kingsford Charcoal 16.6 lb Bags Buy One Get One Free @ Lowes for $7.48【$】60020 Weber Ranch Kettle - Outdoor Charcoal Grill for $899 FS at US Appliance
【$】Kingsford Charcoal 40 lbs for $7.97 Home Depot 6/30-7/6【$】Weber E320 Walmart $247 and other grills YMMV
话题: kingsford话题: day话题: home话题: labor话题: depot
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发帖数: 60932
The paper guy just delivered my Home Depot ad for Labor Day. As expected,
Kingsford charcoal is on sale again. They also have a 5 Burner Brinkmann gas
for $197.
The Kingsford charcoal works out to the same $0.25 per pound as it was on
Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. I'm sure Lowes will have their bags buy
one get one free.
1 (共1页)
【$】Weber E320 Walmart $247 and other grills YMMV【$】Best of Charcoal 2011 - Kingsford Charcoal 33.2 lbs $7.50, Memorial Day '11 Charcoal Wars
【$】Lowe's Char-Griller Duo 3-Burner Black Gas and Charcoal Grill【$】Two 16.6 lbs of Kingsford Charcoal at Lowes for $8.48
【$】its back! Char-Griller Duo 3-Burner Black Gas and Charcoal Grill $199【$】Kingsford Charcoal 16.6 lb Bags Buy One Get One Free @ Lowes for $7.48
【$】$100 off Char-Griller Duo Gas and Charcoal Grill at Lowes【$】Kingsford Charcoal 40 lbs for $7.97 Home Depot 6/30-7/6
【$】Lowes Labor Day Sale【$】Kingsford 13.9 lb. Original Charcoal Briquettes (2-Pack) for $5.88 @ Home Depot
【$】Buy One Get One Free Kingsford Charcoal At Lowe's Beginning July 1st【$】Kingsford 2 15lb bags $5.48 Walmart
【$】Home Depot has Kingsford Charcoal 40 lbs $9.97 again starting 7/1【$】Charcoal deal is here - Lowes $9.99 for 40Lb Kingsford Briquets
【$】Kingsford 18 1/2" Charcoal Kettle Grill $25 $6 Shipping【$】Weber PerformerCharcoal Grill $248.99 SHIPPED
话题: kingsford话题: day话题: home话题: labor话题: depot