f***8 发帖数: 122 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: CNMLGB (喵了个咪), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 死老墨狮子大开口要small claim 5000+美元,求指点 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 25 23:15:21 2015, 美东)
发信人: CNMLGB (喵了个咪), 信区: Law
标 题: 死老墨狮子大开口要small claim 5000+美元,求指点
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 25 22:34:39 2015, 美东)
接着老墨就莫名其妙的打了个电话给我,说他2月1日要回去打扫房子但是lock out了... 阅读全帖 |
a**v 发帖数: 800 | 2 那请问怎么claim呢?我就找到一个表,
The credit is claimed on new IRS Form 5405, First-Time Homebuyer Credit, and
filed with your 2008 or 2009 federal income tax return.
可是2008的已经return了,2009的不是明年才claim吗?谢谢 |
L*****g 发帖数: 646 | 3
谢谢回复 :)
1) 寄送到时候还需要attach 原来的1040 以及W2么?
2) 如果只claim $8000,只需要填写lines 10 -22 么(instruction是这样写的)?
但是1040X Page 2 后面的checklist上有一栏“before mailing this form, remember
to complete lines 1 through 22"- 到底是1-22 还是10-22呢?
3) 以前已经claim过 那个400的 Schedule M, 但是好像1040 在LINE 14里面要填写的
是refundable credit 总和(e.g., 400+8000=8400)。 但是我只claim 8000, 还需要
再付Schedule M 么?
罗嗦了点 多谢了!! |
l***n 发帖数: 731 | 4 Home sales fall, jobless claims rise
WASHINGTON – The economic recovery is weakening in the face of falling home
sales and rising claims for unemployment benefits, new data showed Thursday.
Sales of previously occupied homes fell 5.1 percent in June to a seasonally
adjusted annual rate of 5.37 million, the National Association of Realtors
Meanwhile, new claims for unemployment insurance jumped by 37,000 to a
seasonally adjusted 464,000, the Labor Department said. Seasonal factors
boosted n |
s******y 发帖数: 215 | 5 准备买一个apartment,投资出租用的。 SFH买不起。
有一个apartment,连续三次quit claim dead,还有一次warranty dead. 不知道以后我
转手,这种记录会不会影响价格。 谢谢!
01-22-1985 0
05-07-1986 0 Plat
06-11-1986 31,500
12-27-2002 92,000 Warranty Deed
06-25-2004 0 Public Trustee's Deed
07-11-2005 0 Quit Claim Deed - Joint Tenancy
06-13-2006 0 Quit Claim Deed |
t********5 发帖数: 8005 | 6 我几个月前买了房,搬出以前的租住的房子。是个私人出租的房子。当时有$125的押金
细的move in checklist记录,把地毯脏什么都记录了下来,房东也同意签字了。搬出
时候 也做了move out inspection。检查后房东什么意见都没有,什么都没写就在move
out inspection上签字了。最近房东突然发信说我把他地毯搞脏了(纯粹胡说八道)
,还挑了其他几项毛病,都是没在move out inspection上面写明的。说扣除我125押金
然后还欠他100块钱。说 如果明天不付清,就去small claim court告我。
我觉得房东就是无理取闹,而且他没有任何证据。move in和move out inspection的文
请问如果我跟他去small claim court跟他打官司,我的赢面有多大?
另外,如果输了,我要不要赔偿他额外的费用比如律师费啥的?... 阅读全帖 |
d*********r 发帖数: 31 | 7 情况是,前年底买房,去年年初银行来信说其中有买points的钱,贷款的时候loan agent
也没提起. 由于是前年底买的房, 去年报税还是用standard claim, 这些钱也没有
claim. 不知道今年报税还能claim吗? 具体怎么报? 由于银行给的买点的1098表是去年
的,该如何处理. 谢. |
t****i 发帖数: 4225 | 8 正在quote insurance,结果发现对方有两个claims都没有在disclosure上写出来。这
种情况怎么处理?是先去弄一份claim history report,然后找对方对峙,让他们降价
? 还有就是我们能以这个退出合同吗?
在哪可以弄到claim history report?
谢谢 |
a****t 发帖数: 1056 | 9 8000 house 保险claim值得用不, deductible 5000,这个房子的保险用了claim,肯定
会不会影响另外一个房子的保险? 两个保险是不同的公司。 两个保险都是10years
claim free discount |
b*********k 发帖数: 267 | 10 去年春季暴风雨刮掉邻居家一个大树枝到我们房顶,找人remove后就claim了,结果
摆着就是觉得你以前claim过, 就认为以后claim的几率就高,就不给保险了吗。保险公
有经验的筒子来指教指教吧。 |
s***i 发帖数: 6149 | 11 马上要换大房子,小房子insurance少,不觉得是负担,也从未claim过,因为小毛病都
想知道除了disaster和失火之外,file homeinsurance claim会有什么样扯皮拉筋的事
谢谢 |
l******e 发帖数: 1875 | 12 我的理解有些不同,协议规定以后不能互相claim,那么之前如果有claim应该是不受协
不过还是没搞清楚“claim”到底是什么意思呢?不是很理解 |
i******t 发帖数: 11048 | 13 1。首先确定你的卡是有extended warranty coverage的。找出你的信用卡T&C,仔细阅
读。一般master card platinum都会有。
3。确认所购物品的warranty年限。信用卡是up to another 1 year.
4。打电话,master card, 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747),customer rep会问你
大约10分钟左右,你得claim就file 成功了。这时候你会得到一个claim number.
5.等几天,你就会接到claim form.告诉你下一步如何去做。这里最重要的一步,搞定
repair estimate. 无论哪家都行,只要是能修的,出个estimate report就行了。当然
有时候根本修不 |
g**********9 发帖数: 1403 | 14 是不是必须公民或者绿卡
标 题: Re: 2004 fall 来的F1可以claim EIC吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 1 12:54:33 2010, 美东)
按要求只有公民和绿卡才可以有EIC,非绿卡可以和公民或者绿卡配偶合报claim EIC但
这种情况下不能再claim treaty。 |
F*********n 发帖数: 2914 | 15 年前中的,一直没有claim,也懒得弄facebook,现在的账户还要mobile verify. 我现
包子感谢 |
r****e 发帖数: 3109 | 16 今天帐户里来了一比钱,不记得是什么claim了,谁给提个醒儿?大家claim过BOA啥啥的去看看有没有收到啊。。。
02/08/2012 Bank Of America CLAIM PMNT $467.86 |
e*******d 发帖数: 266 | 17 今年初自己BOA的信用卡被盗用,被盗刷了好几百刀,然后开始填fraud claim,这几天
现在回头想想突然担心这样子会不会影响信用记录,比如说谎报fraud claim骗钱什么
问题还是其次,主要是担心有其他影响,多谢。 |
l***l 发帖数: 872 | 18 买的东东已经过了厂家的1year warrenty,但是还在amex的one year extension范围里
进入amex的warranty claim界面,需要先选卡再进入下面的claim程序,是不是意味着
有大侠知道么,包子求教,感谢! |
e**********g 发帖数: 696 | 19 no
the defendant will never know how many people have filed a claim.
in fact, i've never heard of any theories asserting by not claiming class
action refund, one can help other people save money.
so my suggestion is don't claim yourself, so that other people can get a
larger share.
not to mention your "劣根性" theory is even more ridiculous. |
o******h 发帖数: 1142 | 20 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: oakyouth (oaks), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 急问citi卡claim rental car damage求达人解答
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 4 23:30:07 2018, 美东)
用citi AA master card租车。前天车碾压了一个石头,把轮胎搞坏了,没法修补。于
是我自己掏钱买了一个同样型号轮胎自己换上了。请问如何向citi claim?
citi条款里写的是 Damaged by an accident. 我这种算accident吗?
如他说我换的轮胎不跟原厂的不一样一类的。 |
h******g 发帖数: 600 | 21 求教:nonresident的小孩不能claim Child Tax Credit,还有没有其他可以claim的退
税项目了?请不吝赐教,谢谢了! |
l********e 发帖数: 1118 | 22 看保险吧,不同的保险不一样的,BCBS在国外看急诊是可以报的,按汇率算
Q: Am I covered when traveling outside the country?
A: Yes. You are covered for emergency and urgent care outside the United States.
• Members Call - Blue Card Worldwide Service Center -1.800.810.BLUE (2583)
or collect -1.804.673.1177
• The Service Center will facilitate hospitalization at a Blue Card Worldwide hospital
or make an appointment with a doctor. The Service Center is staffed with
multilingual representatives and is available 24... 阅读全帖 |
t*****o 发帖数: 43 | 23 2/12/2014 is due date, 请问:EDD - State Disability Insurance claim 啥时候开
始file? 下面是我公司HR给我的文字。请懂得姐妹告知!
State Disability Insurance claim (这个啥时候开始regisger, 交给谁?)
You will receive information from Unum regarding the EDD State Disability
Insurance process, or you can get the form from their website. There is a
new process for State Disability Insurance process and payments.
The on-line process is new to the Employment Development department (EDD)
and it doesn’t mean every doctor is prepared for this ne... 阅读全帖 |
x***i 发帖数: 395 | 24 是把RA的收据寄到FSA就行了么?
买的都是眼药水,nasal saline之类的,能claim么
2010年还有个100不到,想claim回来,要是不能claim,那买点什么好呢? |
t*********a 发帖数: 516 | 26 之前在staple买的无线耳机给丢了,后来我发现chase sapphire 我有一个500刀的
非常感谢 |
g8 发帖数: 3784 | 27 Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rose by 2,000 to 484,000, Analysts Expected
Claims to Shrink by 14,000 |
G*******1 发帖数: 6411 | 28 Jobless Claims Drop More than Expected, Down 27,000 to 451,000; Trade
Deficit Shrinks to $42.78 Billion (story developing)
Jobless Claims in U.S. Decreased 27,000 to 451,000 Last Week
By Bob Willis - Sep 9, 2010 8:30 AM ET
Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits declined more than forecast last week, easing concern that employers will accelerate firings as the world’s largest economy cools.
Initial jobless claims dropped by 27,000 to 451,000 in the week ended Sept. 4, Labor Department figure |
w******i 发帖数: 1476 | 29 jobless claims out @8:30, actually good numbers
Initial Claims Consensus - 402,000
Initial Claims Actual - 395,000 |
t*****9 发帖数: 10416 | 30 Initial jobless claims 278,000 for the week ended January 31.
Expectations were for claims to total 290,000.
The week prior, claims totaled 265,000, the lowest weekly total in 15 years.
This is the last piece of labor market data before Friday's big January jobs
report. |
z***0 发帖数: 238 | 31 去年第一次炒股,没有经验。
想在退税的时候claim $3000,结果broker给的Tax文件里,说因为我wash sale(30天
这样怎么想都不合理。赚钱了,就要补税。亏钱了(总额上很明显),却不能claim. |
h**o 发帖数: 23 | 32 以下是中国大使馆一人以前写的,主要的是把TA/RA claim 成scholarship/fellowship,
然后根据pub 901, table 2, 20(b) pg 31说这是免税. 据说可以搞定 fed, 搞不定state.
pub 901 20(b) 是针对1042s with code 15
而你拿的是w-2,不是1042s, 这是最大的问题
你1042s with code 15本来就没给你withhold,即fellowship,所以没问题
w-2就是把你的TA/RA 当wages了, 你在把他claim成 scholarship有些牵强附会
But if u look at pub 520, u can find scholarship/fellowship could also
be TA/RA which is taxable in pub 520. So claim TA/RA as scholarship
总的来说我觉得是有点illegal, 比较冒险.
******************************** |
w****h 发帖数: 212 | 33 I want to ask, if I am international student lived in a state for 2 years,
can I claim as a resident of the state of tax purpose?
The state tax rule is that, a resident can claim some tax deduction, so can
I also claim such tax deduction?
thanks, |
z***g 发帖数: 8 | 34 年底准备卖一些股票,claim点tax回来。
正筹措该卖多少。回想前几年交的capital gain,真希望能claim back 一些。
知道capital loss carry over, 但有没有capital loss retroback 呢(claim back
previous years' capital gain)??? |
y****c 发帖数: 875 | 35 我妹妹现在是F1,她自己没收入,2008年一整年吃住都在我家,很想claim她作
dependent,不知道可不可以。因为她不是US citizen,我有些担心,可我看到版上说
妹作dependent。恳请知道的人给予指点,多谢了! |
l*****l 发帖数: 1451 | 36 我报了,但人给我改了,说non-resident不能claim dependent。哪儿和哪儿呀?我没
有claim dependent只是claim了这个child credit。
谢谢! |
l*****g 发帖数: 124 | 37 夫妻分开报税,其中一方可以claim child tax credit。
夫妻分开报税,不可以claim credit for dependent care expenses,除非:
1. 2009年下半年夫妻不住在一起,以及
2. 你提供一半以上的家庭费用。
夫妻分开报税,可以claim exlusion for dependent care benefits,如果满足 Form
2441 Page 2 Item 2,3,4,5. 这一条适用于你有Denpendent Care Flexible Account
or the equivalent. |
n**u 发帖数: 322 | 38 没找到这个8901 form。是不是今年没有了?
可是板上不是说填8901 form就能claim的嘛?
谢谢指教。 |
d*********t 发帖数: 697 | 39 发信人: USMLESTEPS (USMLE123), 信区: TAX
标 题: Re: EIC是什么东西?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 28 02:51:55 2010, 美东)
非公民绿卡不能claim EIC除非作为公民绿卡的配偶共同以resident保税,但后者不能
注意税务上只有resident和non-resident之分。resident ALIEN通常指的是移民法里的
U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien
Nonresident alien. You cannot claim the earned income credit if you are a
nonresident alien for any part of the year, unless:
You are married to a U.S. citizen or a r |
a*****n 发帖数: 13835 | 40 如果是R,你不是在美国转的身份,1040ez是可以claim 5000(中美协议)+5700+3650
claim |
b***m 发帖数: 891 | 41 我在美已经第4个calenda year了,通过了Substantial Presence Test,所以应该算是
SSN,所以应该全部都可以claim吧。谢谢! |
c*****a 发帖数: 1577 | 42 house does not matter, you can live in an apartment and claim head of
household but you must have to have a dependent.
if your try to itemized your deduction, property tax+mortgage interest+
tuition+other etc. but less than the standard deduction 5700, you should
claim the standard. once you use standard, you cannot claim your property
tax again |
h********0 发帖数: 440 | 43 Very useful information.
Can I see that we should claim the bigger number of 5700(standard) and the
sum of itemized deduction?
If I claim the itemized deduction, I need to attach the copy of the cost of
those items, right?
If I claim 5700, do I need to attach copy of anything? |
t**i 发帖数: 688 | 44 Have you read 1040 Instruction for Line 50 and form 8880?
Employer's match cannot be claimed as your "contribution".
There is income limit for claiming such credit.
Add up all your contributions of IRA (trad and Roth), 401K and Roth 401 in form 8880 and calculate accordingly.
If you were student for 5 or more months in 2009, you cannot claim this credit. The 5 months are counted as calendar months with at least one day you are a student. Does not have to be consecutive 5 months, though. |
l********o 发帖数: 2 | 45 夫妻(J1 and J2),均有工作,联合报税,resident alien。想联合报税(married
filing jointly)claim child care credit,把J2的联邦税拿回一部分,因为每年小孩
daycare交上万。但是,J1有tax treaty免联邦税,J2不免,如何报税? 可以合报填
1040A,再加一个J1的8833表证明有treaty吗?如何只免J1,而不免J2? 如果分开报(
married filing separately)又不能claim claim child care credit,不知道怎么报
,急求帮助,万分感谢!!! |
l********o 发帖数: 2 | 46 夫妻(J1 and J2),均有工作,联合报税,resident alien。想联合报税(married
filing jointly)claim child care credit,把J2的联邦税拿回一部分,因为每年小孩
daycare交上万。但是,J1有tax treaty免联邦税,J2不免,如何报税? 可以合报填
1040A,再加一个J1的8833表证明有treaty吗?如何只免J1,而不免J2? 如果分开报(
married filing separately)又不能claim claim child care credit,不知道怎么报
,急求帮助,万分感谢!!! |
m***j 发帖数: 1215 | 47 因为是J1第三年,LD是F1,不知道LD的学费能不能claim credit。因为联邦税上没交税
,所以不claim 比较合理,但是州税收的很重,所以应该可以claim吧。有经验的说说。
多谢了 。 |
F********E 发帖数: 1025 | 48 本人F1,配偶F2。每年填1040NR时,有件事总搞不明白:尽管已经married,但系里告
诉我只能file single,不能claim spouse。尽管找不到相应条款,但其他同学都这么
填的,所以就claim single。
道在这种情况下是不是可以claim spouse了,还是必须file single.
多谢了! |
L**O 发帖数: 54 | 49 claim 房子的一部分做home business, 如果付mortage的话, mortage的多少部分可以
抵税?比如说一年总共付了房贷加利息加保险 12,000, 一半面积做office的话,可
以claim 那6000作为business cost吗?
如果全部付清房贷,还可以这样claim 6000刀 作为business cost 抵税吗?
明年报税要找个会计师了。 先请教大家个大概。谢谢。 |
p***a 发帖数: 136 | 50 想明确一下:
夫妻只有一个有收入w2,resident,joint tax
可以claim 1040 51项child tax credit,但不能claim 48项credit for child care
还可以继续claim 65项 additional child tax credit吗?
顺便问 单位工资里预扣FSA $2400 填 在哪里? 只有一个人工作最后还得交这个税吗
多谢 |